- lunar mare

By means of instrumental and radiochemical methods , 36 elements are determined in an Apollo-17 lunar mare basalt sample . Total amount of the sample is only 62.10 mg .
As a result , familiar details of the Moon 's nearside are easy to pick out , including the smooth lunar mare and the large ray crater Tycho .
A model output statistics ( MOS ) scheme , using a stepwise selection discriminant analysis approach , is used to estimate marine fog occurrence in 24h for the south coastal region of Shangdong during April to July .
How do you solve a problem like maria ?
The maria are circular depressions covered with dark , loosely packed material-not solid rock .
Is the May Sea Ridge Mountains the result of tidal forces as the lunar surface lineament ?
Mare ridge is a kind of linear structure which distributed most widely in the mare onthe moon surface .
This face , known as the near side , has darker regions called mares which in fact are flatter regions .
Blue Sky Moon : The dark areas are known as lunar seas because they were once believed to be filled with water .
Moon opposite Neptune can generate include feeling like one 's partner is the most supportive person one has ever met , for example .
At 900km across , ringed with concentric ranges of moon mountains , it is believed to be the result of the most recent giant impact in lunar history .
Also , mare basins have a obvious symbiotic relationship with most lunar linear structure , the analysis of eruption history and tectonism of them has very important geological significance in understanding the lunar evolution .
One half of its surface the half which , thanks to the vagaries of orbital mechanics , always faces Earth is dominated by dark , smooth expanses of ancient , frozen lava known as maria .
Moreover , such a huge collision on the far side would have shifted much of the magma ocean that then underlay the moon 's surface to the near side , which led to the formation of the maria .
Then the distance from Earth to Moon had suddenly inflated over 10 times between about 3 1 × 10 9 a and 3 0 × 10 9 a ago , which stopped the mobile period of Archean tectonics and the eruption of the Mare basalt in short order .
The contrast between the darkness of the maria and the brightness of the surrounding highlands forms a pattern popularly known , depending on the culture of the observer , as the man in the moon , the rabbit on the moon or one of many other optical illusions .