
yuè guāng
  • moonlight;moonshine;moonbeam
月光 [yuè guāng]
  • [moonbeam] 月亮的光线

月光[yuè guāng]
  1. 一束月光照在湖面上。

    A shaft of moonlight fell on the lake .

  2. 这条路在月光下如同一条缎带。

    The road was a ribbon of moonlight .

  3. 月光下的乡村沐浴在一片银辉之中。

    The moon bathed the countryside in a silver light .

  4. 淡淡的月光投下柔和的暗影。

    The moon 's pale light cast soft shadows .

  5. 云层渐稀,透出了月光。

    The clouds thinned and the moon shone through .

  6. 城堡沐浴在月光里。

    The castle was bathed in moonlight .

  7. 月光下,我只能分辨出物体的轮廓。

    By the light of the moon I could just make out shapes and outlines .

  8. 月光照在水面上泛起粼粼波光。

    Moonlight gleamed on the water .

  9. 月亮比头一天晚上更圆,但因云层遮掩而月光朦胧。

    The moon was fuller than the night before , but the light was diffused by cloud .

  10. 在月光下他们开始沿着满是尘土的路漫步。

    They started strolling down the dusty road in the moonlight .

  11. 明亮的月光洒在院子里。

    The moon cast a bright light over the yard

  12. 他们看到船上的大炮在月光下熠熠生辉。

    They saw the ship 's guns , catching the light of the moon

  13. 我们去了亚特兰蒂斯神殿,在月光下游览了一番。

    We went to the temple of Atlantis and saw it by moonlight .

  14. 他们在月光下沿路散步。

    They walked along the road in the moonlight

  15. 这次行动的代号是“月光奏鸣曲”。

    The operation was code-named Moonlight Sonata .

  16. 躺在床上,我们常看到月光映衬下鹭的黑色身影。

    Lying in bed we often see dark shapes of herons silhouetted against the moon .

  17. 圆盘似的月亮会高悬在夜空中,将柔和的月光洒向人间万物。

    The moon 's round orb would shine high in the sky , casting its velvety light on everything .

  18. 晚上整栋大厦被月光映照得美轮美奂。

    At night the whole building was beautifully illuminated by moonlight .

  19. 在银色的月光下,大海更加吸引人。

    Beneath the silvery moon , the sea is more attractive .

  20. 月光透过云层的缝隙照射下来。

    The moon shone through a break in the clouds .

  21. 月光映照在水面上。

    The moon is shining on the water .

  22. 月光使房间洁白如洗。

    The room is painted white with moonshine .

  23. 月光透过窗户泻入室内。

    The moonlight poured in through the windows .

  24. 月光穿过云层缝隙照射下来。

    The moonbeam breaks through rifted clouds .

  25. 部队借着月光急速前进。

    The troops marched swiftly forward by the light of the moon .

  26. 湖面泛着月光。

    The moonlight danced on the ripples of the lake .

  27. 夏日夜晚的皎洁月光使得我们心旷神怡。

    The beauty of the summer moon ensorcelled us .

  28. 那是一个黑暗的,无月光的夜晚。

    That was a dark , moonless night .

  29. 月光照亮了野外。

    The moon kindled the countryside .

  30. 月光当头照。

    The moon is beaming overhead .