
yuè bào
  • monthly report;monthly magazine
月报 [yuè bào]
  • (1) [monthly]∶每月出刊一期的报刊(多用做刊物名)

  • 新华月报

  • (2) [monthly report]∶按月的呈报、汇报

  • 月报表

月报[yuè bào]
  1. 《莎菲女士的日记》于1928年2月在《小说月报》上发表后,一直被启蒙/男性话语场以固定的话语模式加以解读。

    Since the Diary of Madame Sha Fei had been published on Novel Monthly Magazine in December of 1928 , it has been interpreted by a rigid way which used by the Enlightenment / male words .

  2. 本文通过1921年到1931年间《小说月报》的现代小说,探讨五四小说叙事的艺术与叙事的转型。

    In this paper , we inquire into the artistic and narrative transition of novels in the period of " May Fourth " by the modern novels in " novel monthly magazine " from 1921 to 1931.The paper is divided into three major parts .

  3. 全球3G纵览(月报)

    Global 3G Survey ( monthly )

  4. NIDS运行月报通病浅析及六要素行文法设计

    Analysis of common fault of NIDS Operational Report and Design of Major Six Elements Writing Method

  5. 在这期的月报中,最值得向大家推荐的就是IDC刚刚发布的思科服务白皮书:「智慧服务助力中国企业实现业务转型」。

    In this E-newsletter , I want to introduce IDC whitepaper " Enabling Business Transformation in China with Smart Services " to you .

  6. 结合现阶段我国的经济技术条件选择了适用于河流水质月报的评价项目即pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、五日生化需氧量、氨氮、石油类、挥发酚、汞和铅等9项。

    According to the actual economic and technological conditions of China , the assessing indicators for river water quality monthly report are pH , dissolving oxygen , permanganate value , BOD_5 , NH_3-N , oils , volatile phenol , mercury and lead have been selected .

  7. 本文对我国五个电离层站月报资料中的正相电离层骚扰(f0F2增加)作了分析研究,获得了正相骚扰时空变化的规律性,地磁暴与正相电离层骚扰的关系。

    In this paper , based on the data from five Chinese Stations , the positive phase ionospheric disturbances ( f0F2 enhancement ) are studied . Their temporal and spatial variations , and their relations to geomagnetic storms are obtained .

  8. 利用月报和季度报表收集资料,采用χ2检验对率和构成比进行统计分析,处理过程通过SAS8.1实现。

    Monthly and quarterly reports were collected and checked regularly . χ 2 test was applied to analyze the data by SAS 8.1.Results From Oct.2003 to Sept.

  9. 方法利用河北FIDELIS结核病控制项目月报、季报和实施报告获得就诊患者数、不同结核病防治宣传活动开展的频度和成本。

    Methods The information of number of patients seeking health care services , the frequency and cost of health promotion activities were collected from Hebei FIDELIS Tuberculosis Control Project monthly report , quarterly report and implementation report .

  10. 经过震例检验,用SKKS震相测得的深度在单台定位中相对比较准确,为应用SKKS震相测准极远震深度,提高银川单台月报质量,提供了有利工具。

    Having been tested by seismic examples , the depths obtained from SKKS phase are relatively accurate and this method is a powerful tool for obtaining the depths of farthermost earthquakes accurately from SKKS phase and improving the quality of single station month report of Yinchuan Station .

  11. 全过程造价管理月报制度的探讨

    Study on the Monthly Report System of Whole Process Cost Management

  12. 论《小说月报》改革的必然性和必要性

    Certainty and necessity of the reform of the Short Story Magazine

  13. 河流水质月报评价项目的选择

    The selection of assessing indicators of river water quality monthly report

  14. 他从自己的信箱里取出一份叫《大陆军》的月报。

    From his box he extracted his monthly Grand Army paper .

  15. 有了你们的支持和关注,月报才能不断的成长和进步。

    We can 't have the success without your continue support .

  16. 浅析《小说月报》的读者批评专栏

    A Study of the Reader Critique Column in Novels Monthly

  17. 以周报月报等方式为高层决策提供市场分析。

    Provide marketing insights and weekly and monthly updates to senior management .

  18. 论1921年《小说月报》的改革及其意义

    On the 1921 's Reform in the Short Story Magazine

  19. 地震月报目录数据转换程序的设计和实现

    Design and realize of conversion program for earthquake monthly report list data

  20. 剩余工作以及测试趋势的月报

    Monthly report of effort remaining and trend of the testing

  21. 综合月报信息处理系统的一种设计方法

    A Design Method for the Information Processing System of Synthetical Monthly Reports

  22. 建立质量月报、年报制度。

    Setting up monthly and yearly quality report system .

  23. 编辑主张与改革前《小说月报》的风格

    Editorial Propositions and the Style of The Short Story Magazine before Being Reformed

  24. 组织编制监理月报、专题报告和工作总结。

    Organize and prepare monthly supervision report , special report and work summary ;

  25. 1921年沈雁冰任《小说月报》主编,由此而开始了《小说月报》的“新文化时期”。

    The " Story Magazine " got an new editor named Shen Yanbing in1921 .

  26. 面向大中型企事业单位电量月报自动统计系统的设计与开发

    Design and development of the monthly report system of the electrical entities for enterprises

  27. 审核运营点运行月报和费用月报并负责存档和上报。

    Audit the monthly operation and expense report , then file and summit them .

  28. 签发监理月报、工程质量评估报告和监理工作总结。

    Issue monthly supervision report , project quality assessment report and supervision work summary ;

  29. 沈雁冰革新《小说月报》的编辑思想研究

    A Study of Shen Yanbing 's Editing Orientation on Renovating the Short Story Magazine

  30. 资料来源:联合国《统计月报》。

    Source : UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics .