
yuè hé
  • lunar core
月核[yuè hé]
  1. 本文介绍了对我国1978年3月核试验后近期内上海地区大气沉降物样品测定的方法和结果。

    We describe a method and show the measurement results of the radioactive fallout samples collected in Shanghai area soon after the March 1978 , nuclear test of China .

  2. 1985年8月核工业部矿冶局组织了首次铀矿山氡及氡子体监测比对试验。十三个单位参加了比对。

    An intercomparison measurement of radon and radon daughters in a Chinese uranium mine was carried out for the first time in August 1985 . 13 members participated in the intercomparison .

  3. 平壤上个月进行核武器试验,加剧了地区紧张。

    Tensions in the region spiked last month when Pyongyang tested a nuclear weapon .

  4. 印度在1998年5月进行核武器试验后,已经成为事实上的核国家。

    After its nuclear test on May 1998 , India has become a de facto nuclear weapon state .

  5. 联合国安理会在上个月北韩核试验后通过的最新决议禁止这些物品出入北韩。

    Such items are prohibited under the latest United Nations Security Council resolution passed after North Korea 's nuclear test last month .

  6. 1974年1月,核潜艇加入海军,进行检验性试航,同年8月服役。

    In January 1974 , the nuclear-powered submarine joined the navy , carried out its trial flight , then took service in August in the same year .

  7. 在朝鲜本月进行核试验之前,有关这个孤立国家会发射核导弹、或派遣装载核弹的船只驶往日本的想法似乎令人难以置信。

    Until North Korea conducted its nuclear test this month , the idea of the isolated state launching a nuclear missile or sending ships carrying a nuclear bomb towards Japan seemed implausible .

  8. 3月,核官员表示,由于美国在2018年实施的银行制裁,伊朗无法从俄罗斯采购零部件和设备,因此该核电站可能停止运营。

    In March , nuclear officials said the plant could stop working since Iran cannot procure parts and equipment for it from Russia due to banking sanctions imposed by the United States in 2018 .

  9. 平壤今年10月进行了核爆炸试验后同意重返谈判。

    Pyongyang agreed to return to negotiations after test-firing a nuclear device in October .

  10. 4月爆发切尔诺贝利核灾难。

    Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurs in april .

  11. 上个月一处核电站的关闭造成由于燃料短缺12个小时的停电。

    A lone power plant was shut off last month causing 12 hour blackouts due to a fuel shortage .

  12. 北韩上个月驱逐了核监察人员,还说计划把核燃料再加工成武器级材料。

    The North ejected nuclear inspectors , last month , and says it plans to reprocess nuclear fuel into weapons material .

  13. 日本国会去年12月设立福岛核事故调查委员会,负责调查核危机的处理情况,并提出建议。

    Members of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission were appointed to examine the handling of the crisis and make recommendations .

  14. 自2018年5月单方面退出核协议以来,美国一直通过一系列制裁措施对伊朗施加压力。

    The U.S. has been mounting pressure on Iran through a series of sanctions since its unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear deal in May 2018 .

  15. 但是由于北韩拒绝接受对其去年6月提交的核活动清单进行核查的计划,六方会谈目前处于停滞状态。

    But the process has stalled over North Korea 's refusal to accept a verification plan for the declaration of its nuclear holdings it made last June .

  16. 在过去几个月中,六方会谈陷入僵局。这是因为北韩拒绝接受一项对其去年6月发布的核材料及核活动声明进行核实的计划。

    The negotiations have been stalled for several months over Pyongyang 's refusal to accept a verification plan for the declaration of its nuclear assets and activities it made last June .

  17. 此外,一旦日本领导人需要,它能在6个月内能拥有核武器(有些人相信日本已经秘密地做到了这一点)。

    Add to this the knowledge that Japan could be nuclear capable given six months ( something a few believe it has secretly achieved already ) should its rulers wish it .

  18. 在超过最后期限几个月才提交核项目清单之后,北韩拒绝接受由外部团队核查其核清单准确性的一整套措施。

    After submitting the declaration months past the agreed deadline , North Korea has refused to agree on a set of steps for outside teams to verify that the declaration is accurate .

  19. 在去年2月宣布成为核国家后,朝鲜便呼吁将六方会谈改成共同“削减军备的谈判”,暗示美国也必须裁减军备。

    After it declared itself a nuclear state in February last year , North Korea called for the six-party talks to be transformed into mutual " arms reduction negotiations " , suggesting the US must also disarm .

  20. 近年来,两国外交官员在各种多边会议上进行互动,其中包括国务次卿伯恩斯7月跟伊朗核谈判代表一道在日内瓦出席一个大国会议时有过的接触。

    Diplomats of the two countries have interacted at multi-lateral meetings in recent years , including a Geneva meeting in July when Under-Secretary of State William Burns was part of a big-power meeting with Iran 's nuclear negotiator .

  21. 中央主管机关收受前项之申请,应于三个月内为核驳之决定;必要时得延长一次。

    After receipt of the application referred to in the preceding article , the central competent authority shall make a decision of approval or rejection within three months , the period of which may be extended once if necessary .

  22. 美国总统布什已经告知美国国会,他打算把北韩从这个名单上删除,但是美国政府表示,这要取决于平壤提出的核实方案条款是否可行。这项核实方案是为了核实北韩今年6月提交的核项目清单。

    President Bush has informed Congress of his intention to " de-list " North Korea but the administration says removal is dependent on Pyongyang 's provision of a verification plan for the declaration of nuclear assets it made in June .

  23. 在六方会谈中,北韩承诺结束它的核项目,以换取援助和外交利益。后来北韩不接受它曾在去年6月申报的核项目清单的核实计划,导致北韩非核化进程停滞不前。

    The six-party talks , in which North Korea committed to end its nuclear program in return for aid and diplomatic benefits , is stalled over Pyongyang 's failure to accept a verification plan for the nuclear declaration it made last June .

  24. 布什政府官员表示,作为多次会谈的结果,包括美国首席谈判代表希尔上星期访问平壤,北韩同意采取一系列措施,在允许核查北韩今年6月提交的核项目活动清单问题上,表现出“明显的合作”。

    Bush administration officials say that as a result of the talks , including a Pyongyang visit by chief U.S. delegate Christopher Hill a week ago , North Korea has agreed to a series of measures that represent " significant cooperation " in verifying the declaration of its nuclear program made in June .

  25. 两国领导人同意继续签署核武控制协议,以取代1991年签署、将于今年12月到期的战略核武器削减条约(StartTreaty)。

    The two leaders agreed to work on an arms control pact to replace the 1991 Start Treaty expiring in December .

  26. 用HRP逆行示踪法观察切断的迷走神经是否再生,术后1月见到迷走神经背核内出现标记细胞;

    HRP-labelled cells were observed in the dorsal vagus nerve nucleus 4 weeks after operation .

  27. 由于经历了相对论修正的集体激发和两体碰撞两种主要的能量损失机制,使得侧月3在DT核中不断损失能量,并将能量全部沉积在靶中。

    The REB continuously loses energies when passing through the DT core because of experiencing two main energy-loss-mechanics such as the collective excitation and the two-body collision with relativistic modification .

  28. 有官员表示,可能还需要几个月才能将福岛核电站的情况完全置于掌控之下。

    Officials have warned it will be several months before the situation at the nuclear facility is brought fully under control .

  29. 4月12日该核泄漏事故已经升到了7级,是国际范围内最高的等级。

    On April12th the nuclear accident there was upgraded to level seven , the highest rating on an international scale of severity .

  30. 某些专家说,韩国的现金和援助使得北韩得以顺利地在2006年10月进行第一次核武器试验。

    Some experts say South Korean cash and assistance made it easier for Pyongyang to test its first nuclear weapon in October 2006 .