
zhēn jié
  • chastity;chaste and undefiled
贞洁 [zhēn jié]
  • (1) [chaste and undefiled]

  • (2) 封建礼教所提倡的女子不失身不改嫁的道德观念

  • (3) 坚贞的节操

贞洁[zhēn jié]
  1. 这个叙事意图,是由贞洁受伤型、政治受伤型、婚姻受伤型等三类女性人物形象来实现的。

    The narration intention which is from " chaste and undefiled to injure by type "," type at politics "" type at marriages ", etc , three kinds woman images realize .

  2. 修女矢发贞洁愿。

    Nuns take a vow of chastity .

  3. 修女们教这些女孩子要贞洁。

    These girls are told by the nuns to be chaste .

  4. 修女须立誓保持清贫、贞洁、顺从

    Nuns are under vows of poverty , chastity and obedience .

  5. 转交了H公司的法律禁止结婚和不贞洁,只有他自己的前缀名称。

    Has transmitted H 's law of prohibited marriages and unchastity , prefixing only his own title .

  6. 爱结网(TheKnot——美国最受欢迎的婚礼服务媒介)的专家说过,虽然很长一段时间以来,人们都认为白色代表贞洁,但实际上从时尚的起源看来,白色更多的是和庆祝相关。

    Although white has long been associated with virginity , its fashion origins are actually more about celebration , say the experts at The Knot .

  7. 对能源和气候政策领域的官员和顾问的采访似乎表明,中国与圣奥古斯丁(StAugustine)有共同之处。后者曾祈祷:赐予我贞洁吧,但不是现在。

    Interviews with officials and advisers working on energy and climate policies suggest China has something in common with St Augustine , who prayed for chastity but not yet .

  8. 当我读到这周MehdiBayati,一个指导伊朗的贞洁和谦逊的战略中心的牧师的报告时我回想起了在校办的那个时刻。

    I thought back to that moment in the school office when I read statements this week by Mehdi Bayati , the cleric who directs Iran 's Strategic Center for Chastity and Modesty .

  9. 其实这就是我女儿贞洁的凭据。

    But here is the proof of my daughter 's virginity .

  10. 贞洁:仅为健康和生育的目的行房;

    Chastity : Rarely use venery but for health or offspring ;

  11. 他委托我为他保护她的贞洁。

    He entrusted me with safeguarding her virginity for him alone .

  12. 虽然这个地区的大多数宗教赞美婚前贞洁,

    Although the major religions of the region extoll premarital chastity ,

  13. 贞洁·美德·报偿&论《帕梅拉》的贞洁观

    Virginity , Virtue and Reward : The View of Virginity of Pamela

  14. 也就是说,“龟”的老婆一定是不贞洁的。

    In other words ," turtle " and wife must be unchaste .

  15. 帕梅拉认为贞洁是女性的首要美德。

    The heroine Pamela regards chastity as her supreme value .

  16. 他不知道他已经冒犯了这位贞洁的女神。

    Little did he know that he had offended the virgin goddess .

  17. 这是因为看见你们有贞洁的品行,和敬畏的心。

    While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear .

  18. 一个人怎么知道他是贞洁的呢?

    How shall a man know if he is chaste ?

  19. 她建议贞洁的承诺能改善配偶之间的沟通。

    The abstinence commitment can improve communication between couples , she suggests .

  20. 这一带的女孩都很美,而且很能很贞洁。

    The girls around here are beautiful * but virtuous .

  21. 在有些社会中仍然要求保持结婚前贞洁。

    Chastity before marriage is still demanded in some societies .

  22. 接纳宗教纯洁贞洁誓约的没有结婚的人。

    An unmarried person who has taken a religious vow of chastity .

  23. 对于基督教徒来说,圣母玛丽亚是贞洁的象征。

    For christains , the Virgin Mary is a symbol of purity .

  24. 你的人要保护他-卫生组织-采取了你的贞洁。

    You 're the one who wants to protect he-who-took-your-virginity .

  25. 急智者应该同女人的不贞洁一样不诚实。

    A wit shall is no more sincere than a woman constant .

  26. 现在的女孩子可没有从前那么贞洁了。

    Virgins are not virginal as they used to be .

  27. 也许是为了保持她们的男人的贞洁。

    Perhaps it is to keep their menfolk virtuous .

  28. 殿下,难道美丽除了贞洁以外,还有什么更好的伴侣吗?

    Could beauty , my lord , have better commerce than with honesty ?

  29. 她的父母教导她,要她行为贞洁而端庄。

    Her parents teach her to be chaste and decent in her behavior .

  30. 我将保留我的贞洁与钟爱给我的丈夫和孩子。

    I will reserve my purity and affection for my husband and children .