
  • 网络iridescence;RAINBOW;Iridescent;iris
  1. 你可以看到他们脸上的彩虹色

    You can see the iridescence on their faces .

  2. 黑色素翅膀和彩虹色翅膀的代价与上面却完全不同。

    The costs of melanin-based plumage and iridescence are clearly different from this .

  3. 结晶水和游离水的存在修改了中心离子Cr(Ⅲ)的配位体场,使得彩虹色铬膜层的吸收谱带受到影响。

    The presence of hydrate water and free-water modifies the ligand field of central ion Cr (ⅲ), so that the absorption bands of iridescent chromium films are influenced .

  4. 雄性孔雀为了吸引雌性伴侣而展现了他们彩虹色的羽毛。

    Male peacocks display their iridescent feathers for prospective female mates .

  5. 彩虹色斑点是近年来发现存在于肉及肉制品中的一种特殊颜色。

    Iridescence was considered as a special color on meat and meat products .

  6. 彩虹色的箭头仅仅是为了增强效果而已。

    The rainbow colors are just for added effect .

  7. 位于梅森堡长滩上的用木头搭建的彩虹色更衣室;

    Long Beach at Muizenberg , with its rainbow colored wooden change rooms ;

  8. 不过,研究员发现,甲壳质的表面变化把彩虹色过滤掉。

    Instead , the researchers found that surface variations in chitinfiltered out the iridescence .

  9. 代号:一千彩虹色的花瓣。

    Symbol : One Thousand Rainbow Colored Petals .

  10. 地-电离层波导电波传播软体动物甲壳的内层,呈彩虹色。

    Earth-ionosphere waveguide radio wave propagation the iridescent internal layer of a mollusk shell .

  11. 田野穿上彩虹色的礼服。

    The field a scarlet gown .

  12. 彩虹色铬膜电沉积研究

    Studies on Iridescent Chromium Films Electrodeposition

  13. 因为在我的电脑显出是彩虹色的,很多彩的色泽。

    Because in my computer the line image is in rainbow colour , it was very colourfull .

  14. 在冰球中心内,满怀希望的纪念品小贩努力地推销绒毛帽子和彩虹色手套。

    Inside the arena , hopeful souvenir vendors were gamely trying to sell fuzzy hats and rainbow-fingered gloves .

  15. 这款彩虹色的欧姆伞由法国Wezzoo公司设计,有经典版和现代版两个版本。

    Designed by French company Wezzoo , the rainbow-colored Oombrella comes in two versions - classic and modern .

  16. 她那薄如蝉翼的彩虹色翅膀即刻静止不动,如同在这个夜晚,有一打的漩涡,被雾笼罩着的月亮点亮了她前进的道路。

    Her gauzy , iridescent wings are momentarily at rest as a dozen swirling , misty moons light her way throughout the night .

  17. 如果你马上就能看见很多彩虹色的闪光,那你看过的就是一颗没有处理加工过的钻石。

    If you see flashes with many rainbow colors at once , then you are probably looking at a fracture of an untreated diamond .

  18. 简要介绍镀锌后彩虹色钝化处理、军绿化钝化处理、蓝白色钝化处理、黑色钝化处理和三价铬钝化处理。

    This paper simply introduced these methods of rainbow passivating , military green passivating , blue-white passivating , black passivating , Cr3 + passivating for galvanizing .

  19. 当她奔跑在运动场中时,双臂摆动,脸上绽开笑容,她那彩虹色的假肢成为五颜六色的幻影。

    As she tears her way up the field , arms churning and a big smile on her face , her rainbow-covered prosthesis becomes a multicoloured blur .

  20. 这位29岁的女孩把头发染成了彩虹色,在视频影片中随着科技舞曲的节奏边唱英日文歌词边跳鬼步舞。

    The 29-year-old displays rainbow coloured hair and a side shave as she sings in both Japanese and English to a driving techno beat and dub step breakdown in the short film .

  21. 有着彩虹色的鱼鳍和像任何一个凡间女子的夜礼服一样极漂亮的鱼鳞,一位兴高采烈的海仙女从海底出现了,她怀中紧抱着海产珍珠来引诱她陆地上的情人。

    With iridescent fins and scales as stunning as any mortal evening gown , a rapturous sea nymph rises from the depths clasping a cache of saltwater pearls to beguile her land-bound lover .

  22. 2015年7月,一个头顶彩虹色假发、化身小丑的人被照相机拍到在芝加哥墓地周边翻越栅栏,并向人们挥手示意。

    In July of 2015 , a person dressed as a clown , complete with a rainbow-colored wig , was caught on camera climbing a fence surrounding a Chicago cemetery and waving at people .

  23. 我们人眼所能看到的一系列彩虹色均属于一种叫做可见光的范畴。

    The light ( that ) we see with our human eyes as a span ( band ) of rainbow color falls in the ( a ) range of what 's called visible light .

  24. 吉尔放眼望去,看到的景色全是一样的&平坦的草地,五颜六色的鸟儿飞来飞去,有黄的,有蜻蜓蓝的,有彩虹色的,蓝森森的阴影,一片空荡荡。

    And as far as Jill 's eye could reach , it was all the same - level turf , darting birds with yellow , or dragonfly blue , or rainbow plumage , blue shadows , and emptiness .

  25. 分析认为它们的彩虹色是由珍珠层文石板片和有机质构成的一维光子晶体结构引起的,且文石板片厚度在不同区域的变化引起同级别的光子带隙出现红移或蓝移现象。

    We believe that the iridescent color is caused by the one-dimensional photonic crystal structure constructed by aragonite platelets in the nacre and pearls . Also , the changes of aragonite platelets thickness in difference regions lead to a red shift or blue shift in spectra .

  26. 全视差彩虹全息色模糊分析

    Color blurring analysis of whole parallax rainbow hologram

  27. 无狭缝彩虹全息分辨率及色模糊分析

    Resolution and Color Blur Analysis of Slitless Rainbow Holography

  28. 大角度周视彩虹全息图的色模糊

    Color Blur of Large-Angle Annular-Aperture 360 ° Rainbow Hologram

  29. 这位19岁的明星炫耀他得到的一系列彩虹主题的礼物,用彩虹丝带包装的礼物,一双彩虹色的五指袜,甚至一条彩虹色前面写着GayIcon的围裙。

    The 19-year-old flaunted a present wrapped with rainbow ribbon , a pair of toe-socks in the bright rainbow colours and even an apron with Gay Icon emblazoned across the front .