
  • 网络color stone
  1. 这里河道斗折蛇行,彩石为底,幽峡曲径。

    Snake river fighting here folding , color stone for the end of Labyrinth Youtong Gap .

  2. 1882年(清光绪八年),温州老人潘啊明首创用青田彩石镶嵌在红木和花梨木上,组成各种图案。

    In1882 ( eight years of the Qing dynasty ), Wenzhou , first with the old Pan-ming ah Qingtian color stone inlaid in mahogany and rosewood , the composition of a variety of patterns .

  3. 彩石制品是古代文明的记录。

    The color stonework was the ancient times civilization record .

  4. 泰姬陵有无数细小的彩石嵌入白色大理石中。

    The Taj Mahal has tiny colorful stones inlaid in white marble .

  5. 花斑彩石花斑彩石风景旅游区位于山东省荣成市马道东部海岸。

    The colorful stone tourist zone The colorful stone tourist zone is at the east coast of Madao , Rongcheng City .

  6. 她会在公共场合穿牛仔裤,更喜欢硕大的天然彩石项链与图案抽象的银项链,而不是钻石头冠或是黄金首饰。

    She wears jeans in public , and chooses chunky strings of natural stones and abstract silver necklaces over diamond tiaras or gold parures .

  7. 你是一块美丽的彩石,有海的波纹,有珊瑚的美色,阳光下,正闪耀生命的光泽。

    You are a colorful stone with the streaks of the sea and the beauty of the coral , and shining with the luster of life .

  8. 在对彩石输油管道原油流变性研究和停输再启动过程计算机数值模拟的基础上,成功地进行了彩石输油管道现场停输再启动试验。

    Based on the study of the rheological properties of oil and the simulation of the shut-down and restart-up process , an experiment was successfully conducted in Cainan-Shixi oil pipeline .

  9. 宝石和玉石的利用起始于物质文明产生的远古时代:早在古石器时代,原始人就利用彩石来装饰自己或自己的偶像。

    The gem and the jade use date from material civilization produces ancient times time : As early as in the ancient Stone Age , the primitive man on decorates oneself or own idol using the color stone .