
  • 网络advantage;plus;plus factor;profitable factors
  1. 论中国当前风险投资发展中的有利因素与存在问题

    On Advantages and Problems of Developing Venture Investment at Current China

  2. 黔粤区域协调发展的有利因素、不利因素及转化

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Coordinated Development in Guizhou-Guangdong Region

  3. 各种有利因素大大抵消了出行过程中的种种不便。

    The pluses more than compensated for the inconveniences involved in making the trip .

  4. 3维GIS的发展既存在有利因素,也面临必须克服的困难。

    There are both advantages and difficulties for the developments of 3D GIS .

  5. 论述了加入WTO对烟台外经贸的影响和对烟台农业的影响,阐明了存在的有利因素和不利影响。

    Explain the influence to Yantai foreign economy after entering into WTO , clarify the existed advantage & disadvantage factor .

  6. 方法:分析加入WTO将对我国中药现代化进程带来哪些有利因素和负面影响。

    METHODS : To analyze the advantages and disadvantages led by acceding WTO in the course of modernization of CMM in China .

  7. Cocoa成功胜出的另一个有利因素是它提供的工具集。

    Another contributing factor to Cocoa 's success is the toolset that it provides .

  8. 《连线》的克里斯蒂娜o伯宁顿围绕装备NFC芯片的iPhone这个话题撰写了一份报告,列举了苹果的一些有利因素:

    In her report on an NFC-equipped iPhone , Wired 's Christina Bonnington ticked them off :

  9. 充分利用加入WTO的有利因素,健全和完善我国的有关法律,尽力把实施知识产权保护的负面影响减小到最低程度,使文献信息资源共享得以真正实现。

    The author points out that we should perfect the related laws and reduce the negative influence of implementing intellectual property right protection to make the resource sharing become true .

  10. 分析表明,基础设施的完善、技术水平和消费能力的提高以及产业结构优化升级是新时期上海吸引FDI的有利因素。

    Analysis shows that improvement of infrastructure , technology and consuming capacity and optimal upgrading of industry structure are favorable factors for FDI absorbing in shanghai .

  11. 第三章写REITs在我国的发展意义和有利因素。

    Chapter III describes the significance of the development of the REITs and the favorable factors in China .

  12. 因此选用低水解度的HPAM可以提高HPAM溶液的长期热稳定性,把高温水解这一不利因素转化为有利因素。

    The long-term thermal stability of HPAM solution would be improved by selecting the low hydrolysis degree HPAM .

  13. 他们这样做的原因是,gdp增长与一些有利因素有关:想找工作的人们找到了工作;有用的新创意进入了日常生活。

    They do so because GDP growth tends to be correlated with good things : people who want jobs finding them ; useful new ideas finding their way into everyday life .

  14. 由于推动日韩自由贸易区实质性进展的有利因素,日韩FTA迟早会重开谈判,这是没有疑义的。

    Because the favorable factor of substantive progress in the Japanese-South Korea FTA , the negotiation must reopen sooner or later without any doubt .

  15. 接着,本文对我国发展廉租房REITs的可行性进行了分析,分别分析了其有利因素和不利因素。

    And then the article analyses the feasibility of adopting low-rent housing REITs in our country , including the favorable and unfavorable factors .

  16. 其中,有利因素包括国家相关政策、巨量储蓄存款产生的融资潜力、海外丰富的REITs运作经验、我国所具备的REITs运作的市场基础等。

    The favorable factors include relevant national policies , huge saving deposits , foreign REITs operational experience , the market conditions of our country .

  17. 利用GIS的空间分析功能,分别提取了上述各成矿有利因素,进而建立了证据权重模型,选择了地层、岩体、断裂、化探等11个证据因子。

    Using the spatial analysis of GIS , we have built the evidence weight model and chosen 11 evidence factors , including strata , terrane , fault , geochemical anomalies of Au , As , Ag , Sb , Pb and so on .

  18. 受管bean创建工具的一个有利因素是能够使用JSF的表达式语言语法来引用bean,您将发现大多数XHTML页面都使用了JSF的表达式语言语法。

    One of the big pluses of the managed bean facility is the ability to reference beans using JSF 's expression language syntax , which you 'll see used in most of the XHTML pages .

  19. 针对加入WTO给福建省种植业带来的机遇与挑战,分析当前种植业结构面临的问题及有利因素,提出在WTO框架下福建种植结构调整的战略思考与对策。

    In view of the opportunities and challenges brought to Fujian planting industry after entry into WTO , the issues and favourable factors in the present structure of planting industry are analyzed , meanwhile the strategy and countermeasures for Fujian planting structure adjustment under WTO framework are proposed .

  20. 其次,发现并指出,台资KIBS创新任务环境中的政策法律环境、外部资源环境和市场环境中既包括有利因素也包括障碍因素;

    Secondly , the study pinpoint there are advantage factors and barriers in the task innovation environment including law environment , external resource environment and market environment ;

  21. 研究表明,我国巨大的市场规模、与东盟的地缘优势和日渐频繁的贸易往来、双方日益提高的人均GDP是中国与东盟发展产业内贸易的有利因素;

    This paper reveal our large market scale , geographical advantage , frequent trade intercourse and the increase of per capita GDP are contributing factors , while China 's industrial structure and its industrial organization structure restrain the further development of intra-industry trades between China and ASEAN .

  22. 对于苹果来说,如果大量用户采用新版iOS系统,这将是一个有利因素,新系统为新版iPhone量身制定,在新手机上使用效果最佳,这会促使使用旧设备的用户最终购买新设备。

    For Apple , it is a big plus when a large amount of people grab the latest iOS : The newest system is made to work best on newer phones , and that encourages people with older devices to eventually buy new ones .

  23. 单因素分析显示生存有利因素包括病程不少于3个月、早期病变、非NK/T细胞病理类型、无皮肤浸润、IPI低危、首程化疗达CR、放射治疗、首程治疗达CR和局部控制。

    Univariate analysis showed that favorable prognostic factors for survival were pre-treatment course > 3 months , earlier clinical stage , non NK / T lymphoma , no skin involvement , lower IPI , CR after initial chemotherapy , radiotherapy , CR after primary treatment and local tumor controlled .

  24. 综合上述各种有利因素,现代大型发电厂电气主接线方式在设计理念上也应该有所更新,提出一种单双断路器的500kV电气主接线方式供探讨。

    All the above preferable situations call for renovation in design conception of electrical principal connection in large power plant . This paper brings forward a method of " Single-Double Circuit Breaker " with 500 kV as electrical principal connection for others ' exploration .

  25. 深化造船生产设计的几个有利因素探讨

    Discussion on favorable factors for deepening the production design in shipbuilding

  26. 你的教学经验对这项工作是个有利因素。

    Your teaching experience will be a plus in this job .

  27. 她先前在社会工作方面的经验是一个有利因素。

    Her previous experience in social work is a plus factor .

  28. 利的英语是工作中一个有利因素。

    Her frequency in English is a plus in her job .

  29. 简要介绍了有利因素,着重分析了不利因素。

    Favorable factors outlined , focusing on analysis of adverse factors .

  30. 如果它也行得通,那可是一个额外的有利因素。

    If it also works , that is an added bonus .