
  • 网络Organized Crime;organized crime offence
  1. 八国集团打击跨国有组织犯罪部长级会议

    Ministerial Conference of the G-8 Countries on Combating Transnational Organized Crime

  2. 全球化视角下控制跨国有组织犯罪的对策

    Transnational Organized Crime and the Consolidation of International Criminal Law

  3. 她参与了打击有组织犯罪的斗争。

    She has been involved in the war against organised crime .

  4. 有组织犯罪,译自英文的“OrganizedCrime”。

    " Organized crime ", translated from the English " Organized Crime " .

  5. 台湾负责金融和有组织犯罪的机构&调查局(BureauofInvestigation)的一位官员表示:我们在寻找更多证据。

    We are looking for much more evidence , said an official of the Bureau of Investigation , a special unit charged with looking into organised and financial crime .

  6. 为了打击网络犯罪组织,美国联邦调查局(FBI)和英国有组织犯罪重案局(SOCA)等执法机构都投入了可观的时间和财力。

    Law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and the Serious Organised Crime Agency in Britain have invested considerable time and money in bringing down criminal networks on the web .

  7. 但DGE的监管报告认为,何鸿燊涉嫌与亚洲有组织犯罪团伙有往来,建议宣布何超琼是一个不合适的合作伙伴,同时建议美高梅脱离与她的任何直接或间接关系或财务关系。

    The report , citing Mr Ho 's alleged association with Asian organised crime figures , recommended that Pansy Ho be declared an unsuitable partner and that MGM Mirage disengage from any direct or indirect business or financial association with [ her ] .

  8. 汇丰案件使人们重燃希望:打击有组织犯罪可以借助为电子表格殚精竭虑的“忍者会计师”获胜正如因被控逃税而入狱的阿尔卡彭(a.capone)的遭遇那样。

    The HSBC case has renewed hopes that the fight against organised crime can be won using " Ninja accountants " who will drain its lifeblood with spreadsheets as happened to Al Capone , who was imprisoned on tax evasion charges .

  9. Cifas表示,在去年看到的1.45万个成功欺诈申请案中,无法分辨哪些欺诈来自本来无法获得金融服务的个人,哪些是有组织犯罪的结果。

    Of the 14,500 successful fraudulent application cases it saw last year Cifas says it is impossible to distinguish which were made by individuals otherwise unable to obtain services , and which were the result of organised crime .

  10. 乡村社会有组织犯罪及其成因研究

    Research on the Organized Crime of Rural Society and Its Reasons

  11. 文章的第四部分是有组织犯罪的主要犯罪活动领域。

    The fourth part is the main criminal field of OC .

  12. 警方对有组织犯罪的调查使数人受到拘捕。

    The police probe into organized crime led to several arrests .

  13. 增强打击跨国有组织犯罪的力度;

    Boost the strength of the battle against transnational organized crimes ;

  14. 这起丑闻可能涉及有组织犯罪集团。

    Organized crime groups are suspected to have been the fraudsters .

  15. 21世纪中国大陆突出的青少年犯罪与有组织犯罪问题。

    Chinese juvenile crimes and organized crime in the 21 Century .

  16. 日本近期预防有组织犯罪立法及其问题

    Recent Legislation of Organized Crime Prevention and Its Problems in Japan

  17. 警方知道他与有组织犯罪的所有关联。

    The police knew all about his associations with organized crime .

  18. 中国有组织犯罪相关概念特征的重新审视

    Review of Concept and Features of Organized Crime in Chinese Criminal Law

  19. 经济全球化与有组织犯罪发展趋势

    The Development Trend of Organized Crimes under the Economic Globalization

  20. 你在制止有组织犯罪的特别行动组工作,对吗?

    You worked the organized crime task force , right ?

  21. 据悉,这是加拿大首次以法律的形式向有组织犯罪宣战。

    It is challenging and dangerous to investigate and prosecute organized crime .

  22. 经济全球化下的中国有组织犯罪演变趋势

    The Change Tread of Organized Crimes in China under the Economic Globalization

  23. 新形势下有组织犯罪的特点及其对策

    New Characteristics and Strategies of Organized Crimes under New Situations

  24. 这些抓捕行动很快暴露出有组织犯罪的严重程度。

    The arrests quickly began to expose the extent of organised crime .

  25. 联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约管制火器议定书;

    Firearms control protocol of the UN Convention against transnational organized crime ;

  26. 而且,有组织犯罪也是个定义不太明确的概念。

    Also , organized crime is a loosely defined concept .

  27. 而且,“有组织犯罪”也是个定义不太明确的概念。

    Also , " organized crime " is a loosely defined concept .

  28. 他否认与有组织犯罪有关。

    He denied that he was involved with organized crime .

  29. 有组织犯罪的泛滥已在世界各国引起了高度重视。

    Organized crime has been emphasized highly in all states .

  30. 加强国际间协作共同打击跨国有组织犯罪

    Strengthen International Collaboration Crack Down Multi-national Organized Crime Together