
tài pínɡ jiān
  • morgue;mortuary;charnel house
太平间 [tài píng jiān]
  • [mortuary;morgue] 医院中停放尸体的房间

  1. 直到20世纪50年代末才发现这类疾病是在太平间盛宴时传染的。因为出于对死去亲人的尊敬,Fore族人会将尸体吃掉。

    Finally , in the late 1950s , it was discovered that the infection was being transmitted at mortuary feasts , where tribe members would consume their deceased relatives out of respect .

  2. 他们笨拙地擦拭着眼睛,相继离开了太平间。

    Each left the mortuary , awkwardly wiping his eyes .

  3. 我们必须回太平间,和sam谈谈。

    We have to go back to the morgue , talk to Sam.

  4. 肩膀好了后,Dilan为女儿所能做的最后一件事情是将她送到医院的太平间。

    And with his shoulder fixed , Dilan did the last thing he could do for his daughter – he carried her to the hospital morgue .

  5. 高温引发的死亡人数在急剧上升,各大医院疲于应对大批涌入的伤员,太平间也已经达到人数上限。在这样的形势下,巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫(NawazSharif)于周二宣布进入紧急状态。

    Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif declared an emergency on Tuesday as the death toll from the heat wave soared , with overwhelmed hospitals struggling to treat a surge of casualties and morgues filling to capacity .

  6. 欧内斯特:太平间?她会非常生气的!

    Ernest Menville : The morgue ? She 'll be FURIOUS !

  7. 她今天早晨带我去了报纸上说的太平间。

    She took me downtown this morning to the newspaper morgue .

  8. 你觉得在太平间过一晚如何?

    How would like to spend the night in the morgue ?

  9. 简直就像把我留在太平间一样。

    You may as weii Ieave me in the bioody morgue .

  10. 她的尸体刚被送到太平间

    They just brought her body down to the morgue .

  11. 她和她阿姨去太平间认尸了。

    She and her aunt came to the morgue .

  12. 狄克和我已经知道进太平间的日期了。

    We got a date set for the warehouse , Dick and me .

  13. 已死的病人,会直接被运到太平间。

    Deceased patients are taken straight from the medical wing to the morgue .

  14. 他就要被推到太平间。

    And now he 's going to the morgue .

  15. 各处的清真寺已经变成太平间、朝圣之地现在成了陈尸之所。

    Mosques have become morgues , places of worship now housing the dead .

  16. 除了警署的医生以外,任何男人都不许进太平间。

    Not another man , except the police doctor , can enter the dead-room .

  17. 现在他却进了太平间。

    Now he 's going to the morgue .

  18. 然后我去查看了一下太平间,他的尸体不见了。

    Then I went to check the morgue , and his body was gone .

  19. 我那时在太平间,抱歉他们让你久等了。

    I was at the morgue . I ` m sorry they made you wait .

  20. 南非小镇太平间诈尸(家人误以为死亡)。

    Dead man'rises inside morgue in Africa .

  21. 我甚至到太平间找过。

    I even looked at the morgue .

  22. 也许他就在太平间里。

    Maybe he 's in the morgue .

  23. 在太平间里和我见面。

    Meet me down in the morgue .

  24. 你能想象得到我在太平间的情况吗?

    Can you imagine ? What had happened was that I was taken to the morgue .

  25. 更像是太平间

    Looks more like a morgue .

  26. 把她送去太平间吧。

    Put her in the morgue .

  27. 事情就是这样奇怪,在此后的一个月内太平间里接连又丢失了几具尸体。

    The thing was very strange as during the following one month , the mortuary missed several bodies .

  28. 我才不去太平间,我要让妈妈写个纸条。

    I 'm not going to a morgue . I 'll get my mom to write a note .

  29. 我妻子对我说,“对,对,到太平间去静坐”

    My wife said , " Yeah , right , sit-ins in the mortuary . Yeah , yeah .

  30. 斯福的遗体被送到约翰尼斯堡的太平间,并放置在下葬用的金属箱子里。

    Sipho 's body was taken to the Johannesburg mortuary and placed in a metal box for burial .