
tài pínɡ shēn shì
  • Justice of the Peace;Justice of Peace
  1. 太平绅士调查投诉、视察膳食、并就犯人的居住和工作环境作出报告。

    They investigate complaints , inspect diets and report on living and working conditions .

  2. 太平绅士制度本地化

    Localization of the Justice of Peace System

  3. 带上所有文件的原件及复印件,按预约时间准时去见太平绅士。

    Take all of your original documents and the photocopies to the JP and arrive there on time .

  4. 李博士于1993年获委任为太平绅士,2002年获授金紫荆星章。

    Dr Lee was appointed justice of the peace in1993 , and awarded the gold Bauhinia Star in2002 .

  5. 巡狱太平绅士不得在就任何监狱或宿舍而订立的合约中有任何利害关系。

    Visiting justices shall not have any interest in any contract made in respect of any prisons or hostels .

  6. 太平绅士,香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系主任。

    " JP ", dean of the Institution of Department of Social Work and Social Administration of Hong Kong University .

  7. 路易全球首席执行官艾伦太平绅士米勒说,他知道公司可能害怕把钱花在调查过程中时陷入衰退。

    Louis Allen Worldwide CEO J.P.Miller said he knows companies might be scared to spend money on surveys during a recession .

  8. 太平绅士(注2)可能缺席,厨房的烤箱也许会发生故障,或是接待处预订错了时间。

    The justice of the peace may not show up , the caterer 's oven could break down or the reception hall might reserve the wrong date .

  9. 但此等太平绅士须遵照首席大法官的指示,以及在大法官的统辖及督导下行使权力及履行职责。

    Provided that such justices shall exercise their powers and discharge their duties in conformity with any direction given by the Chief Justice and under his general control and supervision .

  10. 黄启民太平绅士是利丰(1906)慈善基金有限公司的行政总裁及卓佳专业商务有限公司的资深顾问。

    Mr Wong Kai-Man JP is currently the CEO of Li & Fung ( 1906 ) Foundation Ltd , a charity and a senior advisor to Tricor Services Ltd , a provider of business services .

  11. “根据本条例作出或为本条例的目的而作出的声明,若在香港作出,须在注册官、太平绅士、法律公证人、监誓员或律师面前作出;”

    " A declaration under or for the purposes of this Ordinance may be made in Hong Kong before the registrar , a justice of the peace , a notary public , a Commissioner for oaths or a solicitor ;"

  12. 巡院太平绅士可在署长批准下,在任何核准院舍筹办讲座及演说,但该等讲座及演说不得抵触院舍的纪律规定,并且须旨在改善住院者的品德。

    Visiting justices may with the approval of the director organize lectures and addresses in any approved institution provided that they do not interfere with the requirements of discipline in such institution and are directed to the moral improvement of the residents therein .

  13. 治安法官又称和平法官、太平绅士,是一个古老的官职,其前身是最早出现在12世纪末负责维持地方治安的治安官,1361年正式改称为治安法官。

    The predecessor of magistrate appeared as early in the 12th century as Keeper of the Peace in charge of keeping the peace of the local place , and it was called as Justice of the Peace in 1361 due to the promulgation of Justices of the Peace Act .

  14. 结论部分中,分析了太平天国时期浙江绅士的特点。

    The characteristics of Zhejiang Esquires are analyzed in the conclusion part .