
  • 网络the space race
  1. TheManontheMoon?带我去月球?1969年7月,全世界的人目睹了美国历史上最伟大的成就:“美国国家航空航天局”(NASA)成功地实现了人类登月,这项壮举使美国在太空竞赛中领先于苏联。

    In July 1969 , people around the world witnessed America 's greatest achievement : NASA succeeded in landing a man on the moon , and in the effort , won its space race against the USSR .

  2. 那天我们输掉了太空竞赛。

    It 's the day we lost the space race .

  3. 中国反卫星试验,新的太空竞赛?

    China 's anti-satellite test a new arms race in space ?

  4. 两人就太空竞赛的意见也不相同。

    The two had different views about the space race as well .

  5. 中国政治:太空竞赛。这是一篇新闻综述。

    The Chinese are playing down any talk of a space race .

  6. 冷战还存在另一个战场太空竞赛

    But the Cold War has another battlefield : the Space Race .

  7. 太空竞赛的生产迅速发展的火箭,材料科学和计算机。

    The Space Race produced rapid advances in rocketry , materials science , and computers .

  8. 他们愉快地缓慢前行,形成太空竞赛的感观。

    They 're happy plodding along slowly and creating this perception of a space race .

  9. 所以,两个国家都聘用了德国科学家来帮助他们在这场太空竞赛中获胜。

    So , both countries employed German scientists to help them win the race to space .

  10. 太空竞赛也随之结束

    So is the space race .

  11. 尽管美国在第一次太空竞赛中获胜,但在当前的复赛中俄罗斯却备受青睐。

    Whereas the Americans won the first space race , the Russians are favourites for the rematch .

  12. 他还建立了美国国家航空和宇宙航行局,从而更好的与苏联展开太空竞赛。

    He signed the bill that created NASA to compete with the Russians in the space race .

  13. 太空竞赛是殊死搏斗的科学对决,美苏两个超级大国不惜花费大量金钱决一胜负。

    The space race was a bruising scientific showdown that saw both global superpowers take a gold .

  14. 但是什么让太空竞赛完成了减轻地球饿得要死的数百万的痛苦?

    But what has the space race done to relieve the suffering of the earth 's starving millions ?

  15. 肯尼迪增加了美国的军事实力,在冷战时期加大对太空竞赛的投入。

    Kennedy increased the nation 's military strength and spending on the space race during the Cold War .

  16. 他让美国放眼月球,在斯普特尼克升空后的太空竞赛中力争上游。

    Setting Americas sights on the moon , unwilling to lose the Space Race in the wake of Sputnik .

  17. 美苏之间的太空竞赛不仅有关外空间探索,同样也为了在意识形态上压倒对方。

    The space race between America and the Soviet Union was as much about ideological one-upmanship as extraterrestrial exploration .

  18. 好,我期待一场新的资本主义太空竞赛,让我们呼唤它。

    OK , I look forward to a new " capitalist 's space race , " let 's call it .

  19. 他们严重的担心美国正被拖入一场新的太空竞赛而且正在走向失败。

    In apparent seriousness , they fear that America is caught up in a new space race-and that it is losing .

  20. 现在是在一个让研发达到一个自从太空竞赛以来从未见过之高度的时候。

    Now is the time to reach a level of research and development not seen since the height of the Space Race .

  21. 与那狂热的苏美太空竞赛岁月不同,中国的载人航天项目慎之又慎。

    Unlike the gung-ho days of the Soviet / American space race , China 's manned space programme is proceeding with cautious deliberation .

  22. 但是认为存在一场新的登月太空竞赛的想法是可笑的,这不只因为尼尔?阿姆斯特朗已经在1969年的竞赛中获胜。

    But the idea that there is a new space race to get to the moon is ludicrous-and not just because Neil Armstrong won that competition in1969 .

  23. 四十一年前,俄罗斯发射世界上第一颗人造卫星,开始了最早的太空竞赛,一种新的竞赛出现了。

    Forty-one years after the original space race began with the launch of the Russian Sputnik , the world 's first satellite , a new race has emerged .

  24. 这部太空竞赛主题的大片让《爱乐之城》的梦幻组合——导演达米恩·查泽雷和男星瑞恩·高斯林再度携手,能否产生同样的奥斯卡魔力呢?

    This space race spectacular reunites the La La Land dream team of director Damien Chazelle and star Ryan Gosling - could it be to similar Oscar-worthy effect ?

  25. 你们还记得60年代的太空竞赛是为了国家的声誉,因为我们丢失了最初的两个里程碑。我们不是因为技术而丢失了它们。

    You remember the space race in the ' 60s was for national prestige , because we lost the first two milestones . We didn 't lose them technically .

  26. 那时太空竞赛正在继续,第一个商业资本家似的事情,像是买张票就可以去月球,这会是苏联的硬件设施吗?

    when the space race was going on , that the first commercial capitalist-like thing to do to buy a ticket to go to the moon would be in Russian hardware ?

  27. 它们都不提供登月之旅。尽管美国在第一次太空竞赛中获胜,但在当前的复赛中俄罗斯却备受青睐。

    Neither is offering a descent to the moon 's surface-just a lunar fly-by . Whereas the Americans won the first space race , the Russians are favourites for the rematch .

  28. 今天,俄罗斯不再能激发间谍惊悚小说作家或太空竞赛狂热者的想象力,但却由于其诱人的投资前景,频频出现在投资者的雷达上。

    Today , Russia no longer fuels the imagination of spy thriller writers or space race enthusiasts , but is popping up on investor radars due to the country 's attractive investment prospects .

  29. 芬克尔斯坦教授的研究院所进行的一个项目始于上世纪60年代冷战期间美苏太空竞赛时期,主要是向地球之外发送无线电信号并同时监听任何可疑的电磁波讯号。

    Professor Finkelstein ` s institute runs a programme launched in the 1960s at the height of the Cold War space race to watch for and beam out radio signals to outer space .

  30. 他认为,现在把太空竞赛对准月球可能“为时已晚”,因此他建议,一个以美国为首的国际集团应该瞄准火星。

    It may turn out to be " too late " for a space race to the moon , he said ; Bigelow suggested that a U.S. - led consortium should target Mars instead .