
guān cè
  • observe;observation;monitor;viewing;reconnoitre
观测 [guān cè]
  • [observation;observe;monitor] 观察并测量

  • 他花了三十多年的时间留意观测日、月以及各行星的运动。--《哥白尼》

观测[guān cè]
  1. 采集的MR影像用于观测盆腔器官的位置、运动和盆底形态。

    All MR imagings were used to observe position and movement of pelvic organs and the shape of pelvic floors .

  2. 通过该问题的JAVA实现,可使学习者清晰地观测到解决该问题的全过程。

    Realizing this issue through Java , can make learners observe clearly the whole course which solves this issue .

  3. 观测工作借助于各种望远镜。

    The observational work is carried out on a range of telescopes .

  4. 气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的火山灰带。

    Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth

  5. 天文学家们正在观测木星。

    The astronomers were taking an observation of jupiter .

  6. 去年,中国开设了其第四个观测站,正继续计划建第五个。

    It opened its fourth station last year and is pressing ahead with plans to build a fifth .

  7. 这个观测卫星将继续跟进以往的探索工作,尽全力发掘关于遥远世界的新见解。人们已发现约4500颗环绕其它恒星运行的行星。

    Some 4500 planets have been discovered orbiting other stars .

  8. 观测结果为泥沙量巨大的沉积物流的触发形式提供了至关重要的新见解。

    The observations provide critical new insights on how these huge sediment8 flows are triggered .

  9. 约翰.海耳布隆,《教会里的太阳:教堂即太阳观测台》,第3-23页

    John Heilbron , The Sun in the Church : Cathedrals as Solar Observatories , 3-23 .

  10. 中国科学家近日宣布,中国高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO拉索)在银河系内发现大量超高能宇宙加速器,这一发现可能颠覆人类对银河系的认识,并有助于揭示宇宙线起源这个困扰了科学家一个世纪的问题。

    Chinese scientists have detected a dozen ultra-high-energy ( UHE ) cosmic accelerators within the Milky ( LHAASO ) .

  11. 一个国际科研团队有幸捕捉到了事件的发生,因为他们此前已在通道沿线布下了观测仪器。

    An international team of scientists were in the fortunate position to catch the action because they 'd lined the channel with instruments .

  12. 科学家们表示,结合天基成像和人工智能,可以在一天之内对数千平方英里的大象栖息地进行观测,从而促进动物保护工作。

    The scientists say this combination of space-based imaging and artificial intelligence could boost conservation efforts by allowing thousands of square miles of habitat to be surveyed in a single day .

  13. DSP处理控制算法、参数估计、状态观测等。

    DSP deals with control algorithm , parameter estimation and state observation .

  14. 飞秒激光驱动下氮和氪X射线辐射谱实验观测

    Experimental observation of X-ray radiation spectrum in N_2 and Kr using femtosecond laser

  15. 恒星形成区H2O对脉泽的观测与研究

    Observational study of h_2o maser in the star formation region

  16. 1997年3月9日的日冕偏振CCD观测

    Polarimetry of the Solar Corona at the 1997 March 9 Eclipse

  17. 岩溶土壤中CO2浓度、水化学观测及其与岩溶作用关系

    Observation on Soll co_2 concentration , hydrochemistry , and their relationship with karst processes

  18. 法国SPOT地球观测卫星

    France 's spot Earth Observation Satellite

  19. 等价观测与GPS差分法定位

    Equivalent observation and gps , differential positioning

  20. GPS观测数据处理方法的实验研究

    Experimental Study on GPS Data Processing Technique

  21. 利用GPS的倾斜路径观测暴雨过程中的水汽空间分布

    Spatial Distribution of Water Vapor Observed with GPS Along Slant Path in a Storm System

  22. 由于GPS测量的精度与GPS卫星的分布和观测时间的长短密切相关。

    There is a correlation between the precision of GPS survey and GPS satellite distribution .

  23. GPS偏心观测试验与分析

    GPS Bias Survey Experiment and Analysis

  24. 通过SEM对镀层的形貌和组成进行了观测。

    Morphology and composition of the electroless nickel plating coating was observed by SEM .

  25. 球化低碳钢中断裂的TEM原位观测

    In situ observation of the fracture for a spheroidized low carbon steel

  26. 旋转式CCD漂移扫描观测的控制模型研究

    Model of Drift-scan CCD 's Rotation Control

  27. 并用激光Raman和UV/Vis光谱观测质子化作用。

    The action of protonation are studied by the Raman and UV / Vis spectra .

  28. 磁镜装置中ECR等离子体硬X射线强度观测

    Observation of hard X-ray intensity of ECR plasma in a mirror device

  29. GPS观测数据经处理后,可得到两点间的基线向量及高精度的大地高差,如果已知一点的大地高,即可求得全网各点的大地高。

    We can obtain the baseline vectors and high-accuracy discrepancy of geodetic height between GPS points after observation datum was dealt with .

  30. 卫星观测联合调度问题的VRP与JSP模型

    VRP and JSP Models of Coordinate Scheduling Problem for Observing Satellites