
ɡuān shì yīn
  • Avalokitesvara;Goddess of Mercy
观世音 [guān shì yīn]
  • [Avalokitesvara; Guanyin] 佛教的菩萨之一,佛教徒认为是慈悲的化身,救苦救难之神。也叫观自在、观音大士。简称观音

  1. 她说她不是观世音菩萨,不过凑巧路过这儿,听到了他的祈求。

    She said that she was not the Goddess of Mercy , but happened to be passing by and heard his request for help .

  2. 观世音菩萨寻声救苦,布施无畏,是茫茫苦海中的义工。

    Avalokitesvara , Bodhisattva of the suffering sea , responds to sentient beings and removes their fear .

  3. 观世音菩萨是悲智双全,他的功德智慧是修行平等慈悲所成就的。

    Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva is complete in both compassion and wisdom .

  4. 观世音信仰与唐代文学创作

    Belief in Guanyin and Creation of Literature in Tang Dynasty

  5. 有很多观世音,成为无处不在的菩萨。

    There are many , become the ubiquity of bodhisattva .

  6. 只要牢牢地想著你的上师与观世音菩萨。

    Just think of your root guru and Avalokiteshvara .

  7. 你不是要观世音帮你养孩子吗?

    You expect the goddess to raise him too ?

  8. 矗立着观世音菩萨的塑像。

    There stands a statue of Kuan Im , the Goddess of Mercy .

  9. 善财童子参访的第二十七参就是观世音菩萨。

    Guan Yin Bodhisattva is the twenty-seventh advisor whom Sudhana has learned from .

  10. 这就是有名的金玉观世音。

    This is the famous Golden Jade Guanyin .

  11. 也就是说观世音主要影响着他们的生活。

    It is said that Guan Shi Yin has the main influence in their life .

  12. 观世音的眼睛和慈悲之手显现。

    the eyes and hands of Avalokiteshvara .

  13. 观世音是佛教的一个女神,指的是大乘菩萨。

    Guan Shi Yin is one of the Buddhist Goddess , referring to the Mahayana bodhisattva .

  14. 传说妈祖原是观世音身边的一个龙女。

    It is said Mazu was a Longnv ( dragon maid ) along with the Guanyin .

  15. 而与观世音菩萨的因缘,又不如与地藏菩萨来得更深!

    And our affinities with Guanshiyin Bodhisattva are not as deep as our affinities with Earth Store Bodhisattva .

  16. 世尊妙相具,我今重问彼,佛子何因缘,名为观世音。

    I now ask again , Why is this disciple of the Buddha , Called Gwan Shr Yin ?

  17. 在寺庙的主堂内,矗立着观世音菩萨的塑像。

    In the main hall of the temple , there stands a statue of Kuan Im , the Goddess of Mercy .

  18. 他自评说皆仰仗于《般若心经》和观世音菩萨的慈悲力。

    He commented that he basically relied on the " Heart Sutra " and the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva 's compassion .

  19. 影像的复魅:纪录片《德拉姆》中的生态美学观河南博爱县青天河峡谷新发现北魏摩崖观世音像

    Cliffside Image of Avalokitesvara of the Northern Wei Period Recently Discovered in the Qingtian River Gorge in Bo ' ai County , Henan

  20. 海水比重大,人不容易往下沉,他是信佛的,危急中就念观世音菩萨名号。

    Because he had strong faith in Buddhism , he invoked the holy name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva at such a critical moment .

  21. 直到有一天,观世音菩萨真身率诸天众菩萨聚圣泉山观音寺,环侍在佛前瞻礼诵经。

    Till one day , Buddhism Guanyin came Buddhism Guanyin together with other buddha , they gathered around the statue of Sakyamuni to pray .

  22. 2011年的感恩节,家汝在“北京新屋”祈祷观世音菩萨护佑我的朋友们个个健康,平安,财富!

    2011 years of Thanksgiving , your home in " Beijing new house " prayer avalokitesvara withstanding my friends all health , peace and wealth !

  23. 《观无量寿经》提到观世音菩萨和大势至菩萨是阿弥陀佛的两大脇侍菩萨。

    The " Sutra of the Buddha of Limitless Lifespan " identifies Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Great Strength Bodhisattva as Amita Buddha 's assistants in edifying all beings .

  24. 然后我趟进海里,潜入水中再站起来仰望天上缤纷灿烂的夜空,由黑暗和金刚石所构成的观世音十方大千世界。

    I waded in the water and dunked a little and stood looking up at the splendorous night sky , Avalokitesvara 's ten-wondered universe of dark and diamonds .

  25. 佛已经在《楞严经》里讲得很清楚了,观世音菩萨就是以“反闻闻自性,性成无上道”而成就“观世音”的。

    Now , according to the Shurangama Sutra , we know Guan Yin Bodhisattva got his name by contemplating inwardly upon our self-nature and eventually attain the supreme bodhi .

  26. 以中国古老传说“西游记”为蓝本制作的神而又神的游戏。孙猴子、猪八戒、沙僧在观世音的庇护下护送师傅去印度取经的故事。

    Monk Sjuan-tszan sends to India together with Tsar of monkeys Put magic pig and the monk of sand , at support of the goddess of the rivers Lo .

  27. 观世音,亦译“光世音”、“观世自在”、“观自在”,是阿弥陀佛的左胁侍,西方三圣之一。

    Also , the translation " light "," the view sound free " and " freedom ", is the view of amitabha left retinues , one of the holy .

  28. 她同意这样做,祈求观世音菩萨治愈我妹妹的糖尿病,恢复健康,她本身就继续只吃素。

    She agreed to do this * to prayerfully request Gwan Yin Bodhisattva to help my sister to recover from diabetes * . and to continue to eat only vegetarian food .

  29. 如莲花佛经说的那样,观世音菩萨“采用多种多样的形态,在世界上旅行,传达生命去救助。”

    As the Lotus Sutra relates , the bodhisattva Kuan Shih Yin ," by resort to a variety of shapes , travels in the world , conveying the beings to salvation . "

  30. 普陀洛迦即是现在所称的普陀山,为观世音菩萨显化圣迹的道场,自唐朝迄今几百年来,屡有显化灵异。

    Putuo Logar that is now known as the Putuo Mountain , for obvious Guanyin temple of the holy places , since the Tang Dynasty has over the centuries , frequently brings to the surface supernatural .