
  • 网络observational cosmology
  1. 宇宙中的物质在大尺度上是均匀分布的,还是保持着分形分布的特点,成为近年来观测宇宙学中争论的一个热点。

    Whether the distribution of matter in the Universe is homogeneous or fractalon large scale is vastly debated in observational cosmology recently .

  2. 弦论中的非经典时空影响早期宇宙的发展,在一些观测宇宙学的实验中人们也许会发现弦论的效应,例如微波背景辐射的功率谱的反常。

    String effects may possibly be first discovered in certain experiments in observational cosmology , such as the power spectrum measurements of the cosmic microwave background .

  3. 简述目前超弦理论中比较受到研究者较多关注的几个方向,特别是超弦宇宙学以及观测宇宙学的最新进展对理论提出的挑战。

    A few active directions in string theory are described in this paper , in particular , string cosmology and challenges to theorists posed by recent results in observational cosmology .

  4. 观测宇宙学的终极目标,是建构宇宙的完整历史,对于宇宙最早由次原子粒子所构成的无形气体,提供清晰连贯的图像。

    The ultimate goal of observational cosmology is to capture the entire history of the universe , providing a seamless picture of our descent from a shapeless gas of subatomic particles .

  5. 利用超新星和伽玛暴观测限制宇宙学模型:物质创生模型

    Constraint on cosmological model with Sn IA and gamma-ray bursts observations : matter creation model