
  • 网络mission hill;Missionhill
  1. 与观澜湖集团副主席、中国蓬勃发展的高尔夫行业最具权势的人物之一朱鼎健(KenChu)初次会面时,我鞋子上套着黄色塑料袋。

    When I first met Ken Chu , vice-chairman of Mission Hills Group and one of the most powerful men in China 's burgeoning golf industry , I was wearing yellow plastic bags over my shoes .

  2. 2008年,由于土地纠纷,观澜湖项目曾停工数月之久,而自规划启动以来,各式各样的纷争已经让球场边界更改了上百次。

    Construction on the Mission Hills project was halted for several months in 2008 due to land disputes , and various dust-ups have caused the site 's boundaries to change more than a hundred times since the planning process began .

  3. 不久后,它将以海南观澜湖(missionhillshainan)的名字将为大多数人所知这将是世界上最大的高尔夫球场。

    Soon , most people will know it as Mission Hills Hainan , the largest collection of golf courses in the world .

  4. 我听说,美国职业高尔夫协会(pga)的代表已经参观过海南观澜湖。

    Professional golf association representatives , I was told , have toured Mission Hills Hainan .

  5. 深圳观澜湖还拥有世界最大的俱乐部会所、亚洲最大的Spa,此外还有亚洲最大的网球中心。

    Mission Hills Shenzhen also features the world 's largest clubhouse , Asia 's largest spa and , for good measure , the continent 's largest tennis centre .

  6. 助长人们对高尔夫球兴趣的还有中国数量越来越多、同时越来越具洋气的高尔夫球场,比如位于中国海南省的世界最大高尔夫球场——观澜湖高尔夫球会(MissionHillsGolfClub)球场,尽管中国已在全国范围内暂停建造新的高尔夫球场,

    Helping to fuel the interest is the growing number -- and increasing outlandishness - of golf courses in the country like the world 's largest Mission Hills golf club on southern Hainan Island , which continue to be built despite a nationwide moratorium on new courses .

  7. 实证研究通过问卷调查,为本研究的论点提供科学的论证,同时在文献及实证研究的基础上以定性分析的方法提出如何优化观澜湖地产CRM策略建议。

    The empirical research through the questionnaire survey , this study provide the argument for scientific demonstration , and at the same time in the literature and the empirical research on the basis of the method of qualitative analysis puts forward how to optimize mission hills estate CRM strategy advice .

  8. 我去过深圳的观澜湖,李广华骄傲地说道。

    I have been to the Mission Hills in Shenzhen , Li announced proudly .

  9. 集团受到警告,不许做出任何可能妨碍观澜湖项目的举动。

    The group was warned not to do anything that might disrupt the Mission Hills project .

  10. 请于指定时间在观澜湖高尔夫球会新田停车场休息室集合。

    Please assemble at Mission Hills San Tin parking lounge according to the specified time schedule .

  11. 我是观澜湖老资格的会员,也是老资格的自愿者。

    I 'm a senior member of mission hills golf club , as well as a senior volunteer .

  12. 事实上,与海南观澜湖项目关系最紧密的那个人甚至否认项目的存在。

    In fact , the man most closely connected to the Mission Hills venture in Hainan denies its very existence .

  13. 他向我保证,海南的观澜湖将比深圳的更大更好。

    He assured me that mission hills Hainan was going to be bigger and better than the one in Shenzhen .

  14. 我也衷心希望更多的朋友在观澜湖享受天地人和的美好时光!

    I sincerely hope more friends come here to enjoy the harmony among heaven , earth and man , and have a great time !

  15. 在观澜湖工地,由于颇受当地官员欢迎,一条业已完工的球道已经有了政府球洞的称号。

    At the Mission Hills site , one completed fairway has already been dubbed the government hole due to its popularity with local officials .

  16. 观澜湖买下了距建筑工地几公里远的一座山,并开始挖掘,直到这座山变成地上的一个洞。

    Mission Hills bought a mountain several kilometres from the construction site and started digging until the mountain was a hole in the ground .

  17. 然而,对于我来说,发展观澜湖的理念,并非仅仅建设一个全球第一大球会。

    For me , however , to build one of the world 's largest golf clubs is not the ultimate target underpinning the development of mission hills .

  18. 在他只有一间屋子的水泥房后面,37岁的马继广修建了一道砖墙,以此作为自己的地产与观澜湖交界的地标。

    Behind his one-room cement structure , the 37-year-old Ma had built a brick wall to mark where he felt his property ended and Mission Hills began .

  19. 与海南目前的许多高尔夫项目一样,观澜湖项目占用的主要是政府列为荒地的土地。

    Like many current golf projects on Hainan , the Mission Hills development primarily occupies acreage that the government has classified as Huangdi , or " wasteland " .

  20. 高尔夫和观澜湖球会已经成为我们生活中很重要一部分,打球、生意和生活、球会都已经融为一体。

    Golf and Mission Hills have become part of my life , and golfing , business , my daily life and the club have become integrated as a whole .

  21. 观澜湖项目北区距海口市中心不足30分钟车程,西临一座围绕火山喷发口而建、面积108平方公里的国家地质公园。

    This northern section of the mission hills land is less than 30 minutes by car from downtown Haikou and just east of a 108sq km national geological park built around the crater of an extinct volcano .

  22. 如果它们只是在真正的荒地上建设,就没有问题,海南一位活跃的环保人士表示,对我而言,毗邻海口的(观澜湖)地区并不是荒地。

    If they only build on true wasteland , then there is no problem , said one conservationist active in Hainan . To me , the [ Mission Hills ] area next to Haikou is not a wasteland .

  23. 然而,越来越多的村民正拆掉这些老房子,用卖地给观澜湖项目所得的钱,买来实心砖或空心砖,修建面积更大的楼房。

    More and more villagers are doing away with these old buildings , however , opting instead to use the money they have made by selling land to Mission Hills to build larger , multi-storey homes out of brick or cinder block .

  24. 观澜河清湖段生态修复工程于2007年9月28日开工建设,工程内容包括生态护岸工程、河床生态修复工程、河道防洪治理、沿河人工湿地、水质改善工程、人工清理垃圾等。

    The ecological restoration project of the experimental reach started in September 28 , 2007 , including ecological revetment works , riverbed restoration project , flood protection works , artificial wetland along the river , water quality improvement works and manual scavenging .