
  • 网络china open;China open tennis
  1. 对国内观众人数下降影响最大的因素是网球大师杯赛转为ATP1000大师赛,其次是金融危机,中国网球公开赛的影响最小。

    The conversion of Tennis Masters Cup to ATP1000 Tennis Masters Cup and the financial crisis have greatly influenced the domestic audience , and the influence of China Open is smallest .

  2. 对中国网球公开赛发展前景的分析

    Analysis Of The Prospects For The Development Of China Open Tennis

  3. 积极推荐江苏省符合条件的网球教练员参加ATP大师赛和中国网球公开赛比赛工作和业务培训;积极引进网球人才,丰富网球教练员的培养机制。

    Positive recommendation in Jiangsu Province eligible to participate in ATP Masters tennis coaches and the China Open Competition and operational training ; actively introduce tennis professionals , rich tennis coach training system .

  4. 由于一处缺陷,微软最新iOS版空气质量检测应用缺乏预测功能。在最近的雾霾“红色预警”期间,北京的学校暂停教学,但中国网球公开赛和IBM共同推出的空气质量预报大数据却推荐民众“轻度运动”。

    The latest version of Microsoft 's iPhone app lacked the forecasting function advertised , which the company blamed on a bug , while during a recent " red alert , " when the air was considered hazardous and schools were shut , the China Open IBM-based forecast recommended " light exercise . "

  5. 星期六上午10时,中国网球公开赛开幕。

    The China Open was kicked off at10 am Saturday .

  6. 中国网球公开赛是每年一度在北京举行的职业网球联赛。

    China Open is an annual professional tennis tournament held in Beijing , China .

  7. 中国网球公开赛网动中国项目整合营销策略的研究

    Research on the Integrated Marketing Strategy of " China Open , Share Tennis with China "

  8. 2009年的中国网球公开赛被提升到女子网球协会日程表上一个主要赛事。

    In2009 the China Open was upgraded to one of the premier events on the WTA calendar .

  9. 对2006年中国网球公开赛我国女网选手发球技术的若干思考

    Comment on the Skills of Serve about Elite Female Tennis Players of Our Country in 2006 China Open

  10. 2008年中国网球公开赛女子单打选手比赛技战术特征研究

    A Study on the Characteristics of Techniques and Tactics of Women 's Singles in the 2008 China Tennis Open

  11. 当前,随着中国网球公开赛赛事的升级,中网志愿者的管理和改革已进入一个关键时期。

    At present , China Open tennis tournament to upgrade , in the volunteer management and reform has entered a crucial period .

  12. 中国网球公开赛就是在这个时期诞生的,是中国网球体育产业一次独立市场运作的伟大尝试。

    CHINA OPEN came into the world in the period and it was a great trying of marketing and management on the Tennis Sports Industry of China independently .

  13. 但同时我们也应该看到,中国网球公开赛作为典型的大型体育赛事,其对志愿者的管理经验值得借鉴与推广。

    But at the same time we should also see that the China Open as a typical large-scale sporting events , its volunteer experience in the management and promotion .

  14. 通过分析2006年中国网球公开赛上我国女子网球运动员的表现,针对女网选手普遍存在的发球技术薄弱环节,提出改进方略。

    Through analyzing the performance of the elite female tennis player of our country in 2006 china Open , we found that serve is the weak area of their skill system .

  15. 随着今年第三个主要赛事温网锦标赛即将到来和中国网球公开赛年底举行,李随时准备好继续比赛,进一步提升她的世界排名。

    Li is poised to continue her run and elevate her world ranking further , with the year 's third major , Wimbledon , just around the corner with the China Open to follow later in the year .

  16. 运用文献资料法和观察统计法对参加2005年中国网球公开赛的八名种子选手和三名中国选手在体态、发球技术统计及二发落点等方面进行了比较分析。

    This article , on the basis of literature and statistical method , analyzes and compares the physique , service technique and the point of fall on second service of eight seed players of China Tennis Open in 2005 and three Chinese players .

  17. 作为今年在中国举行的最为重要的几项赛事之一,中国网球公开赛已经受到了全世界的广泛关注。

    As one of the most important tournaments that are held in Beijing this year , 2006 China Open has attracted a lot of attention all over the world .