
  • 网络university;University of China;china university;chinese university
  1. WTO语境下提升中国大学核心竞争力问题研究

    On How to Promote the Core Competence of the University

  2. VDHAGrid是中国大学e-Science网格项目的核心软件。

    VDHA_Grid is the core software for the project of the Chinese University e-Science Grid .

  3. 这校园的风格与大多数中国大学很不同。

    The style of the campus is quite different from that of most Chinese universities .

  4. 面对WTO的选择:中国大学校长职业化

    Choice to face WTO : professionalism of college principal in china

  5. 加入WTO与中国大学外部环境变迁

    The entry into WTO and the outer environment change of Chinese universities

  6. 创新·独立·开放&面向WTO,中国大学需要的精神

    Innovation-Independence-Open Mind & The Spirits Chinese Universities Need after Entering into WTO

  7. 国际教育贸易与大学市场化趋势&加入WTO后中国大学面临的挑战与机遇

    International Trade of Education and the Trend Towards Market-oriented Operation of Chinese Universities : Challenge and Opportunity for Chinese Universities after China 's Entry into WTO

  8. 本研究在探究中国大学EFL学习者的英语听力取向时采用了探索性因子分析和频率分析的方法。

    The methods of exploratory factor analysis and frequency analysis were used in the investigation of the orientations toward English listening held by the tertiary-level EFL learners in China .

  9. 中国大学的规模快速扩张,研究设施也在不断升级。

    Chinese university scales are expanding and research facilities are upgrading .

  10. 中国大学发展的生命机制透析

    The Analysis of Organism of the Development of University in China

  11. 体育在美国大学比中国大学突出得多。

    Sport looms much larger on US campuses than in China .

  12. 中国大学英语教学的发展历程

    The Developing Course of the College English Teaching and Learning in China

  13. 中国大学英语语言教育有着一个漫长的过程,我国英语语言教育已取得了一定的成功。

    English language education in China has made great progress .

  14. 中国大学预科教育的几个理论问题

    A Couple of Theoretical Problems On Chinese Preparatory College Education

  15. 关于评估中国大学英语教材的建议(英文)

    On the evaluation of College English textbooks in china ;

  16. 中国大学校名英译研究

    Standardized Translation of the Names for Chinese Universities and Colleges

  17. 后现代主义视野下的中国大学系统

    China 's Higher Education System in the Perspective of Postmodernism

  18. 美国大学模式及其对中国大学的影响

    On the Models of American Universities and its Influence to Chinese Universities

  19. 近代中国大学教师的资格检定与聘任

    Qualifications Identification and Employment of College Teachers in Contemporary China

  20. 中国大学图书馆访日代表团考察记

    The Investigation of China College Library Delegation to Japan

  21. 中国大学校名英译的现状及其分析兼谈理工类大学的校名英译问题

    The Current Situation and Analysis of the English Translations of Chinese College Names

  22. 中国大学性教育的蜕变与反思

    Reflection on transformation of sex education on Chinese campus

  23. 20世纪20、30年代中国大学的学术独立之路

    The Road of Academic Independence of Chinese Universities in the 1920s and 1930s

  24. 关于中国大学校长职业化的探讨

    A Discussion of Professionalization of University Presidents in China

  25. 中国大学为何无缘诺贝尔科学奖

    Why No Persons From Chinese Universities Won Nobel Prize

  26. 将元认知策略训练纳入中国大学英语教学之初探

    A Preliminary Study of Integrating Metacognitive Strategy Training into College English Teaching in China

  27. 形成性评估在中国大学非英语专业英语写作教学中的运用

    Implementation of Formative Evaluation in an EFL Writing Course for Chinese College Non-Language Majors

  28. 中国大学竞技体育的发展研究

    The Development Study of College Sport in China

  29. 严格的说,当前的中国大学战略规划只是准战略规划。

    Strictly , current Chinese universities strategic planning is only " para-strategic planning " .

  30. 从中国大学的技术能力看发明家和他们的母校

    Understanding the technological capacities of China 's universities from inventors and their alma maters