
  • Mo Yan;Don't speak;Yan Mo;shut up
  1. 莫言,全国政协委员、2012年诺贝尔文学奖获得�

    Mo Yan , member of the CPPCC National Committee and the 2012 winner of the Nobel Prize inLiterature

  2. 年诺贝尔文学奖得主为莫言,他“很好地将魔幻现实与民间故事、历史与当代结合在一起”

    The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Mo Yan " who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales , history and the contemporary " . 2012

  3. 劳马将长篇小说比喻为老虎,短篇小说则是四处躲藏的老鼠。谈到对《个别人》的看法,他援引2012年诺贝尔文学奖(Nobelliterature)得主中国作家莫言的话说,没有二十万字以上的篇幅,长篇小说就缺少应有的威严。

    Mr. Lao offered up the comparison that full-length novels are tigers , while short stories are ' near rats . ' In his forward to ' Individuals , ' he cites Chinese writer and 2012 Nobel literature laureate Mo Yan as saying a novel with less than 200000 words lacks dignity . '

  4. 瑞典皇家科学院常任秘书彼得英格伦(peterenglund)称莫言从“内部”审视了中国社会,并将他描述为“福克纳、拉伯雷与狄更斯的混合体”。

    Peter Englund , Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy , said Mr Mo offered an " inside " view of Chinese society and described him as " a mixture between Faulkner , Rabelais and Dickens " .

  5. Goldblatt,美国人,已经翻译了许多现代的中国小说,包括莫言的作品,他对中国小说最大的批判是,太过于内省,并没有足够的国际化。

    Goldblatt , an American , has translated many modern Chinese novels , including those of Mo Yan , and his main criticism of Chinese fiction is that it is , too introspective , that it is not sufficiently global .

  6. 近期的诺贝尔文学奖得主包括2013年的加拿大短篇小说作家爱丽丝·门罗(AliceMunro)、2012年的中国小说家莫言、2011年的瑞典诗人托马斯·特兰斯特勒默(TomasTranstromer)以及2010年的秘鲁作家马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨(MarioVargasLlosa)。

    Recent winners for the literature prize have included the Canadian short-story writer Alice Munro in 2013 ; the Chinese novelist Mo Yan in 2012 ; the Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer , in 2011 ; and the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa in 2010 .

  7. 莫言小说中的鬼魅世界

    The World of Ghosts and Goblins in Mo Yan 's Novels

  8. 关于莫言文学的价值他们什么也不知道。

    They know nothing about the quality of Mo 's literature .

  9. 过去,莫言先生回击了类似的批评。

    Mr Mo has batted away similar criticism in the past .

  10. 我们考虑过莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖的可能性。

    We considered the possibility that Mo wins the Nobel prize .

  11. 福克纳与莫言:故乡神话的构建与阐释

    Faulkner and Mo Yan : Construction and Elucidation of Hometown Mythology

  12. 浅谈莫言作品的民间色彩

    Brief Discussion on the Folk Color of Works by Mo Yan

  13. 论莫言小说的民间特征

    Analyses of the Folk 's Characters in Mo yan 's Novels

  14. 额匾落款的三个小字写着“莫言题”。

    Three smaller characters indicate that the inscription is by Mr. Mo.

  15. 莫言说他对这个奖又惊又喜。

    Mo said he was overjoyed and terrified at the award .

  16. 莫言的小说以语言风格独特而著称。

    Mo Yan 's novels are famous for their unique speech styles .

  17. 因此,对莫言小说的评价向来是具有争议的。

    Therefore , the novel evaluation on Mo Yan is always mixed .

  18. 莫言小说的语言滑变与心理特色

    The Language and Psychological Features of MO Yan 's Novels

  19. 莫言在当代文学史上具有举足轻重的地位。

    In the contemporary literary history Mo Yan plays an important role .

  20. 莫言的原著笔触时代感浓郁,引人深思。

    Mo 's novel conveys a strong and evocative tone .

  21. 莫言小说的内核是作者的生命体验。

    The agents of Moyan 's novels are writer 's experience ofilife .

  22. 张扬感性生命是莫言小说的主要特征。

    Highlighting the sensual life is the main feature of his novels .

  23. 乡村的自语&论莫言小说创作的精神及意义

    On the Spirit and Significance of Mo Yan 's Novels

  24. 这个品牌名称也可以翻译为醉酒莫言。

    This brand name can also be translated as drunken Mo Yan .

  25. 这是席卷全国的莫言热的另一表现。

    It is another phenomenon of Mo-mania that has swept the country .

  26. 简论莫言缺失性童年经验与文学治疗

    Mo Yan 's Childhood Experience of Loss and Literature Therapy

  27. 莫言谈中国当代文学边缘化

    On Marginalization of Contemporary Chinese Literature : A Dialog with Mo Yan

  28. 莫言小说动植物崇拜原型分析

    Analysis on the Worship for Living Things in Mo Yan 's Novels

  29. 英雄的颠覆与历史的还原&莫言的《檀香刑》与李洱的《花腔》之比较

    The Subversion of Hero and the Restore of History

  30. 莫言是第一位赢得这个梦寐以求奖项的中国公民。

    Mr Mo is the first Chinese citizen to win the coveted prize .