
  • 网络Cliff of Moher;the Cliffs of Moher;Moher
  1. 黄昏时分的莫赫悬崖。

    Cliffs of Moher at sunset .

  2. 爱尔兰的莫赫悬崖,陡峭的莫赫悬崖环绕克莱尔郡西部海岸,构成了令人惊奇的大西洋海岸风光。

    The craggy Cliffs of Moher wrap around the western coast of County Clare , providing a stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean .

  3. 而如果你从爱尔兰210米高的莫赫悬崖上往下跳,你只能翱翔约8秒的时间——如果上升气流强的话可能还会更久一点儿。

    On the other hand , if you jumped offIreland 's 210-meter Cliffs of Moher , you would be able to fall for only abouteight seconds-or a little more , if the updrafts were strong .

  4. 斯图亚特·克雷格指出:“在我们寻找外景地的时候,我们发现了位于爱尔兰西部的莫赫悬崖,并当即决定把洞穴的入口设在那里。”

    Stuart Craig recalls ," When we were doing our location scouts , we found the Cliffs of Moher in the west of Ireland and immediately thought they would be spectacular for the entrance of the cave . "