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  1. 莫雷利亚这个殖民城市,专制muertos,即死亡糖果,用头骨、糖和巧克力制成,以及borrachitos,里面装满酒的糖果。

    The colonial city of Morelia specializes indulces de muertos , candies of the dead , including skulls made with sugar and chocolate , and borrachitos , sweets filled with liquor .

  2. 墨西哥的莫雷利亚:死亡糖果日在墨西哥11月庆祝死亡的日子里,人群聚集到一起怀念逝去的家人和朋友。

    Morelia , Mexico : Day of the Dead candies When Mexico celebrates the Day of the Dead in November , crowds gather to remember lost family and friends .