
hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì
  • marines;marine corps
  1. 加拿大人寻求加入美国海军陆战队,因为他们认为在加拿大军队里机会没那么多。

    Canadians seek enlistment in the US Marines because they don 't see as much opportunity in the Canadian armed forces .

  2. 海军陆战队进行了有18艘军舰和90架飞机参与的训练。

    The Marines carried out a drill that included 18 ships and 90 aircraft

  3. 今天早晨,海军陆战队作为先头部队率先登陆以占领主要目标。

    The marines went ashore as a spearhead this morning to capture key targets .

  4. 海军陆战队士兵攻了进去,俘获15人。

    Marines went in , taking 15 prisoners

  5. 海军陆战队队员爬到使馆大楼顶上,升起了美国国旗。

    The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag

  6. 手持步枪的海军陆战队士兵监视着他们。

    Marines with rifles guarded them

  7. 他曾是海军陆战队里的一名士兵。

    He was a soldier of marine corps .

  8. 海军陆战队登上了小岛。

    The Marines landed on the small island .

  9. 海军陆战队在黎明前投入战斗。

    The Marines went into action before dawn .

  10. 人们通常会采取一种军国主义般的“强硬”态度来对待复原力和决心,就像一个海军陆战队战士在泥地里跋涉前行、一个拳击手再战一回合或者是一个足球运动员从地上爬起来再踢一场比赛。

    We often take a militaristic , " tough " approach to resilience and determination like a Marine pulling himself through the mud , a boxer going one more round , or a football player picking himself up off the ground for one more play .

  11. ōnghé,意思是“合作、同心协力”。在英语中广泛被使用是二战时期海军陆战队在太平洋作战时期。

    The literal translation is , " work together . " The English use was popularized by Marines fighting in the Pacific in World War II .

  12. 一位海军陆战队步行巡逻兵使用了可折叠的太阳能板为他们的无线电广播设备和GPS发电。

    One of the marine foot patrols uses roll-up solar blankets to generate power for their radios and GPS .

  13. 作者多次重申到,美国海军陆战队(MarineCorps)从不事先制定详细计划。

    America 's Marine Corps , the authors repeat ( several times ), never makes detailed plans in advance .

  14. 他在佛罗里达的迈阿密大学(universityofmiami)就读期间应征入伍,成为海军陆战队特殊储备部队的一员。

    He enlisted in the marines as part of a special reserve unit while at the University of Miami in Florida .

  15. 这一种火炮系统的轻型和高机动性特点可能适应PLA空降部队和海军陆战队的特别要求。

    The lightweight and high-mobility features of this artillery system may be of special appeal to the PLA airborne force and marine corps .

  16. 她的火爆促使一名海军陆战队中士通过YouTube约她出去,并且她也接受了邀请。

    Her hotness prompted a US Marine Corps Sergeant to ask her out on a date through YouTube , which she accepted .

  17. 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的海军陆战队战争纪念碑(MarineCorpsWarMemorial)的灵感也来自这张照片。在纪念碑上的雕像中,六个32英尺(约合10米)高的人物的姿势,与罗森塔尔捕捉到的姿势一致。

    The photograph was also the inspiration for the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington , Va. , a statue in which six 32-foot-tall figures are depicted in the positions captured by Mr. Rosenthal .

  18. 我们在上士麦达德(StaffSergeantAubreyMcDade)身上的美国特质,他负责伊拉克的一次埋伏并拯救了三名同伴的海军陆战队队员。

    We 've seen it in Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade , who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines .

  19. 它们也经受了现代军队的暴行,美国海军陆战队所面临的一些最血腥的城市战斗,就在1968年的春节攻势期间发生在皇城。斯坦利·库布里克(StanleyKubrick)在《全金属外壳》(FullMetalJacket)中呈现了这场战斗。

    Some of the bloodiest urban combat the United States Marines have ever faced took place in the Citadel during the 1968 Tet offensive , a battle depicted in Stanley Kubrick 's " Full Metal Jacket . "

  20. 这位前北约(NATO)最高指挥官和美国海军陆战队司令尚未决定是否接受任命,但据接近他的人士透露,他有可能接受。

    The former North Atlantic Treaty Organization supreme commander and Marine Corps commandant hasn 't decided whether to take the job , but people close to him said the general appears likely to accept .

  21. 对于曾经当过海军陆战队士兵、警察和联邦探员的安德鲁•维特曼(AndrewWittman)来说,解决办法是改变自己的视角。

    For Andrew Wittman , a former marine , police officer , and federal agent , the solution is to change your perspective .

  22. 岛是我们的夏威夷独立运动拥护者例如BumpyKanahele说他们的国家自从1893年丽丽乌库拉妮女王向美国海军陆战队的一个小班投降后就被出卖了。

    This Land Is Our Land Hawaiian sovereignty advocates like Bumpy Kanahele say their country was stolen from them when Queen Liliuokalani surrendered to a squad of United States Marines in 1893 .

  23. 后来,他在堪萨斯州利文沃斯堡(FortLeavenworth,Kansas)领导训练中心,在那儿与人合著了新版美军平叛战地手册,由陆军与海军陆战队在上个月联合出版。

    He later led the training centre in Fort Leavenworth , Kansas , from where he co-authored the new American counter-insurgency field manual , published jointly by the army and marines last month .

  24. 因此,到了高中接受驾训时,我们都认为自己早已掌握了全部的知识和技能。直到我们遇到了驾训老师、前美国海军陆战队队员、纽约州退休警察弗朗西斯•特里(FrancisX.Terry)。

    So , when it came time to take drivers ' ed in high school , we thought we knew it all - until we met our teacher , a former U.S. Marine and retired New York State Trooper named Francis X. Terry .

  25. 美国陆军和海军陆战队随后将进行的缩减,可能对美国在欧洲的持续军事存在产生重大影响。美国国防部长利昂帕内塔(LeonPanetta)表示,这种军事存在将适应和演变。

    The subsequent scaling back of the army and parts of the marine corps could have big implications for the continuing US military presence in Europe , which Leon Panetta , defence secretary , said would adapt and evolve .

  26. 美国从第3营,海军陆战队第6陆战团温暖的火在在在Marjah在阿富汗的赫尔曼德省星期二2010年2月16日清晨化合物本身。

    US Marines from3rd Battalion , 6th Marine Regiment warm themselves by a fire in a compound in the early morning in Marjah in Afghanistan 's Helmand province on Tuesday Feb.16,2010 .

  27. 美国海军陆战队也被指控在去年11月19日在伊拉克西部村庄Haditha杀死了24名没有武装的平民。

    Marines are also accused of deliberately killing two dozen unarmed Iraqi civilians in the western town of Haditha on Nov.19 after one of their own died in a roadside bombing .

  28. 空军将配备以常规方式起降的战机版本(CTOL),海军陆战队将装备短距离起飞和垂直降落版战机,而海军配备的是加大型运输机版本。

    There would be a conventional take-off and landing ( CTOL ) version for the air force , a short take-off and vertical landing ( STOVL ) version for the marines and a beefier carrier version for the navy .

  29. 因为我有个海军陆战队的士兵在中央公园死了。

    Because of a marine we found dead in central park .

  30. 道格拉斯.鲍威尔中校是美军驻冲绳的海军陆战队发言人。

    Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Powell is the Marine spokesman on Okinawa .