
  • 网络beach villa;beach house;BEACH BUNGALOW
  1. 卧室提供一个宽敞的浴室,打开别墅的私人花园即可看到一个单独的大型开放式淋浴的海滩别墅的所有设施。

    The bedroom offers all the facilities of a beach villa with a spacious bathroom open to the villa 's private garden and a separate large open shower .

  2. 拉尼亚住宿的经验包括三个美丽的海滩别墅。

    The Rania Experience accomodations include three beautiful Beach Villas .

  3. 他五年前在去弗吉尼亚海滩别墅途中失踪。

    He went missing five years ago during a trip to his cottage in Virginia beach .

  4. 超级豪华的海滩别墅局里刚查封的美极了

    Oh , in this really incredible beach front villa that the bureau seized from this narcotrafficker . It 's amazing .

  5. 我一直在忙于几个项目,其中一个,叫做肉豆蔻(植物名)&一艘20世纪30年代的救生艇。我把它停放在我那英格兰的海滩别墅一个后花园里。

    So I 've been busy with a couple of projects , and one of them was this , the Nutmeg , a 1930s ship 's lifeboat , which I 've been restoring in the garden of my beach house in England .

  6. 墨西哥何塞德尔卡沃(SanJosedelCabo)的LasVentanasalParaiso为瑰丽旗下酒店,它推出了12栋带私人泳池和私人海滩的新独栋别墅。

    Las Ventanas al Paraiso , a Rosewood property in San Jose del Cabo , Mexico , opened 12 new stand-alone villas in December with private pools and beaches .

  7. 岛上有一拉尼娅套件1主卧室和2间客房和在前方的海滩的小岛组成的东侧,有3个海滩别墅。

    The island has One Rania suite composed of one Master bedroom and2 guest rooms and in the east side of the island fronting the beach , there are3 beach villas .

  8. 海滩沿岸,从生活方式度假村一直到与会安的交接之处,都已经完全私有化,主要的地块用于建设海滩度假村和海边别墅。

    The beach slide , which starts with Lifestyle Resort and ends in the border with Hoi An , is fully privatized , with major land used for constructing beach resorts and ocean villas .