
bā ge
  • myna;mynah;Crested myna;Acridotheres cristatellus
八哥 [bā gē]
  • [crested myna] 属于雀形目椋鸟科(Sturnidae)的一种鸟( Acridotheres cristatellus ),全身黑色,头部有簇羽,鸣声婉转,也略能学语,是中国著名笼鸟

八哥[bā ge]
  1. 格里特纳上空被八哥群遮盖得一片黑暗,景象十分壮观。

    Grittner on Space being covered was a group of Crested Myna dark , very spectacular sight .

  2. 从猫,狗,狐狸和燕八哥的粪便中回收到了tge病毒。

    Tge virus was recovered from the feces of the cats , dogs , foxes and starlings .

  3. ,燕八哥天生就知道该如何做。但是MeredithWest和同事的研究表明事实并不是这样。

    But work done by Meredith West and her colleagues has shown that this is not the case .

  4. 北美的普通拟八哥(Quiscalusquiscula)体长约30公分。

    The common grackle ( Quiscalus quiscula ) of North America is about 12 in . long .

  5. 加拿大温哥华是有名的带冠毛八哥的栖居地。

    Vancouver , Canada is home to some well-known Crested Mynahs .

  6. 我养了一支小八哥还有一支乌龟它名叫滑行者。

    I also have a parakeet and a turtle named ? lider ?

  7. 唯一的一种玫瑰色八哥;在一些分类中被认为是单独的一个属。

    Only the rose-colored starlings ; in some classifications considered a separate genus .

  8. 椋鸟科的模式属;常见的八哥。

    Type genus of the sturnidae : common starlings .

  9. 带你的鹦鹉或八哥上班日也会收到不错的效果。

    Bring Your Parrot or Mynah Bird to Work would be good , too .

  10. 她从欧洲回来之后,我要送她一只八哥。

    I 'm giving her a mynah bird when she comes back from europe .

  11. 在人们看来,燕八哥是游手好闲的父母。

    From a people 's point of view cowbirds are what we might call deadbeat parents .

  12. 它们不搭理其他燕八哥。

    They ignored the other cowbirds !

  13. 你养的八哥啄人吗?

    Does your parrot bite ?

  14. 八哥与画眉

    The Blackbird and the Thrush

  15. 这只八哥幼犬和一窝小猫至今还未起名。

    The pug puppy , the runt of his litter , doesn 't yet have a name .

  16. 有件事很奇怪:燕八哥的叫声像金丝雀一样,而且尽力去讨好金丝雀。

    What happened was weird : the cowbirds sang like canaries , and tried to court canaries .

  17. 就在那里,他在火光的映衬下看到了八哥时代最美丽的脸。

    There , in the light of the fire he saw the most beautiful face of the time .

  18. 欧洲八哥一百年以前首先在美国出现。

    The European starling was released for the first time in the United States over one hundred years ago .

  19. 一群八哥鸟飞越位于苏格兰边境的葛特纳格林,形成及其壮观的图像。

    A flock of starlings flew over Gretna Green , on Scottish borders , putting on a spectacular show .

  20. 这也就意味着燕八哥必须学会如何像真正的燕八哥那样行动——这并不是与生俱来的。

    What this means is that the cowbirds have to learn how to behave like cowbirds-it doesn 't just come naturally .

  21. 下一个春天,在有各种鸟的鸟群众,它们又自由了,这次它们的行为像燕八哥。

    The following spring they were again turned loose with a mixed group of birds , and this time they behaved like cowbirds .

  22. 【参考译文】在一群年轻的燕八哥有时间去进行社会交往前。西部地区冬天的气候使它们必须和金丝雀一同熬过冬天。

    Before a group of young cowbirds had time to socialize much , West had them stay the winter with a group of canaries .

  23. 当然,它们并不是唯一生活在(美国)西北地区的外来鸟类的逃亡者。加拿大温哥华是有名的带冠毛八哥的栖居地。

    Certainly , they 're not the only exotic bird escapees living wild in the northwest . vancouver , Canada is home to some well-known crested mynahs .

  24. 2001年,一名中国妇女向丈夫提出离婚诉讼,理由是她的丈夫在一次不慎失言后,家里的宠物八哥开始不断重复他的话。

    In2001 , a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family 's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions .

  25. 我问它为何这么悲伤,它在树上向我倾诉:“是八哥把我的爱偷走,”它的回答明确无误。

    I asked why such sorrow he poured from the tree , And he answered , " " tis the blackbird has my love stolen from me . "

  26. 当你想到鱼群,或当我想到一群八哥时,那是一种全新的关于智能的体会。

    When you think of a fish school , or when I think of a flock of starlings , that feels like a really different kind of intelligence .

  27. 八哥毕竟是动物,学人语速度较慢,训练人员要细致、耐心,切忌粗暴,否则会前功尽弃。

    Bage is , after all , animals , people learn language slower , training staff to be meticulous and patient , must not rude , otherwise they will be wasted .

  28. 所以,想教能说话的鸟说话比如鹦鹉、长尾小鹦鹉和八哥你要找一只没有更好选择的鸟,它会把你当成鸟群。

    Therefore , to teach a bird that talk parrots , parakeets or mynas , for example talk , find one that for lack of better options thinks of you as its flock .

  29. 所以,想教能说话的鸟说话——比如鹦鹉、长尾小鹦鹉和八哥——你要找一只没有更好选择的鸟,它会把你当成鸟群。

    Therefore , to teach a bird that can talk - parrots , parakeets or mynas , for example - to talk , find one that for lack of better options thinks of you as its flock .

  30. 玫瑰射出红光;在他的家——一个农舍——的窗子面前,一只八哥正在一个小绿笼子里唱着歌。这只八哥所唱的就正是他以前教给它的那支歌。

    The red hips gleamed on the hedges , and the starling which hung in the green cage outside the window of the peasant 's hut , which was his home , whistled the tune which he had taught him .