
  • 网络batai mountain
  1. 地质公园功能分区规划研究&以拟建八台山省级地质公园为例

    Research on the Functional Zoning in Geoparks & A Case Study of Batai Mountain Provincial Geopark

  2. 八台山地质公园的管理,应具体体现出管理的科学性、制度化和人性化三方面的时代特色。

    The managerial of Batai Mountain Geopark should manifest three characteristics of modern times , namely , the scientific nature of management , the institution and human nature .

  3. 八台山是大自然的杰作,造就了具有众多典型的岩溶地貌景观和地质遗迹景观,具有很强的旅游观光以及美学欣赏价值。

    Bataishan geopark has very high sightseeing and aesthetic enjoying values for its numerous typical Karst ground form views and geological vestige landscapes .

  4. 建立地质公园是对地质遗迹资源一种积极的保护方式,八台山地质公园的建立与运营,必须建立与之相匹配的管理制度,必须符合自然公园保护性利用的科学要求。

    The establishment and management of Batai Mountain Geopark must establish the conrol system which matches with it , must conform to the science requirement that natural park should be used protectively .

  5. 该功能分区有利于八台山地质遗迹资源的保护与开发,为八台山省级地质公园合理规划打下坚实的基础,为当地的主管部门提供决策依据。

    Such functional zoning is favorable to the conservancy and exploitation of geological relics in Batai Mountain Geopark , and has built solid foundation for reasonable planning of the geopark , providing decision-making grounds for the local government .