
  1. 以剑川金华镇何氏院落为例谈古民居建筑要素

    Taking courtyard house of He family in Jianchuan Jinhua town as example to talk about elements of ancient residential architecture

  2. 云南金华镇明清古民居建筑特色研究

    A Study on the Architecture Features of Ancient Houses in Ming and Qing Dynasties in Jinhua Town of Yunnan Province

  3. 云南省大理白族自治州剑川县金华镇是一个典型的白族传统小城镇,享有文献名邦的美称。

    Jinhua Town , which is located in Jianchuan County of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province , is a typical Bai town and enjoys the reputation of " a historic town with rich culture "?