
  • 网络jinzhai county
  1. 金寨县动植物资源特点的探讨

    On discussion characteristic of animal and plant in Jinzhai County

  2. 金寨县山核桃资源调查及开发前景

    The Resources and Development Prospect of Walnut in Jinzhai County

  3. 关于金寨县板栗产业化发展的探讨

    Studies on the Industrial Development of Chinese Chestnut Production in Jinzhai

  4. 金寨县茶叶产业化的现状、问题与对策研究

    The Current Situation , Problem and Countermeasures of Jinzhai Tea

  5. 纤维质有机土壤物质金寨县农田土壤有机质含量状况分析

    Analysis the on Content of Agricultural Soil Organic Matter in Jinzhai Country

  6. 金寨县造纸资源及其开发利用

    The papermaking resource of Jinzhai county , Anhui Province and its development and utilization

  7. 对山区县旅游资源开发的思考&以安徽省金寨县为例

    Exploitation of Tourism Resources in Mountainous County

  8. 19781997年金寨县农户生产力发展与消除贫困问题研究前沿生产函数分析方法

    Analysis of Jinzhai County Household Technical Change and Efficiency Change : Stochastic Frontier Production Function Approach

  9. 安徽金寨县水土保持林涵养水源生态效益的计量分析

    Quantitative Analysis on Water Retaining Benefit of Forest for Erosion Control in Jinzhai County of Anhui Province

  10. 金寨县地处三省八县的结合部,文化习俗呈现多样化特征,方言也不统一。

    Jinzhai County borders three provinces and eight counties , hence its diversity of culture , custom and dialect .

  11. 皖西大别山区生态足迹实证分析&以金寨县为例

    Analysis of Dabie Mountain in West of Anhui Province Based on Ecological Footprint Model ── A Case Study of Jinzhai County

  12. 金寨县、霍山县、舒城县和新县、光山县、罗山县的森林覆盖率较高。

    The forest coverage of Jinzhai County , Huoshan County , Shucheng County , Xin County , Guangshan County and Luoshan County is higher .

  13. 我们将联系安徽省或者金寨县的希望工程办公室,捐款将通过该办或者其他慈善机构转给马河小学作为定向捐款。

    We will contact the Project Hope office of Anhui Province and the donation will be paid to the charity of the Project Hope Office .

  14. 红色革命老区绿色山水新城&安徽省金寨县新行政办公区规划设计回顾

    Old liberated district of red revolution and new eco-city of green landscape Reviewing the plan of new administrative area in JinZhai county , AnHui province

  15. 在金寨县或中国的其他地区,农民种植经济作物或拥有更多土地,来自农业的收入也比较高。

    In Jinzhai county and other parts of China where farmers grow cash crops ( 4 ) or have more land , incomes from agriculture are higher .

  16. 通过对金寨县山核桃资源及其生长条件的调查,阐述了其开发前景和在山区经济建设中的作用。

    The natural resources , growth conditions , development prospect and plan of walnut in Jinzhai County were discussed in the paper , and walnut production will play an important role in the economic development in the mountain area .

  17. 论文主要取得以下研究结果:(1)金寨县地质灾害有滑坡、崩塌、不稳定斜坡、泥石流四种,以前三种为最主要的地质灾害类型。

    The main research results are as follows : ( 1 ) There are four types of geologic hazard in Jinzhai , namely landslide , collapse , unstable slope and debris flow , first three types of which are dominant ones .

  18. 结果表明,金寨县2002年的经济发展是可持续的,其中在生态承载力中,林地贡献率最大,其次为草地,分别占77.0%和19.2%;

    The result showed that the ecological footprints of Jinzhai County was within its carrying capacity in 2002 , the supply rate of forest in existing bio-capacity was the highest , and the second was grassland , accounting for 77.0 % and 19.2 % respectively ;