
  • 网络The Coastal;La Ribera
  1. 排泄管道将污染性物质由沿海岸区排入大海。

    Discharge pipe take pollutant away from the coastal area into the sea .

  2. 保护区对海岸区目前比较罕见的本土植物和动物也起促进繁殖作用。

    The refuge is also productive for the now rare native flora and fauna of the coastal areas .

  3. 文章阐述了厦门岛东海岸区开发规划的战略环境评价(SEA)的基本原则与方法。

    This paper expound the basic principles and method of SEA on the developing planning of eastern coastal zone of Xiamen Island .

  4. 河口海岸区悬沙输运量的声学多谱勒流速剖面(ADCP)观测技术的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Suspended Sediment Transport in Coastal Estuary by Using ADCP

  5. 他已经是海岸区高速公路摩托车队头目。

    He was the leader of the Pacific Coast Highway bike club .

  6. 本文对河口、海岸区波浪,潮流相互作用下的潮流场、波浪场及其联合作用下的泥沙输移、岸滩演变及冲淤厚度进行了模拟计算。

    The computer simulation of tidal current field , wave field , sediment transport , deformation of sea bed and thickness of erosion-sedimentation under interaction of waves and currents are studied .

  7. 科特迪瓦蓝色海岸大区,在法国南部,是另一个热门的目的地。

    Coted'Azur , in the south of France , is another popular destination .

  8. 论述了我国主要海岸侵蚀区的侵蚀现状、特点及原因。

    The erosion status , characteristics and reasons of main coastal erosion zone of China were briefly analyzed .

  9. 中央居住区是一个海岸花园区,这个设计规划灵感来源于全球著名港口城市的经验。

    Central Living Area is a coastal garden area , who gets its planning inspiration from the experience of famous port cities worldwide .

  10. 海南岛海岸砂矿开采区的生态退化及恢复

    Ecological Degradation and Restoration in Coastal Mining Sites in Hainan Island

  11. 昌黎黄金海岸自然保护区面临的问题与对策

    The Problems Existing in Changli Golden Coast Natural Reserve and The Countermeasures

  12. 海岸带保护区建设探析

    An Approach to Construction of Coastal Zone Conservation Area

  13. 流沙海岸造林特困区建立防护林关键技术的研究

    Study on the key technology to establishment of shelterbelt on the shifting sand coast

  14. 浙江乐清湾海岸带功能区划分与海洋产业发展

    Coastal Functional Zoning of Yueqing Bay in Zhejiang Province and Development of Marine Industries

  15. 昌黎县黄金海岸自然保护区的资源利用现状及产业化前景

    Present Situation and Industrialization Prospect of Resources in the Nature Protective Section of Goldcoast in Changli

  16. 黄河三角洲海岸及滨海区演变与河口流路、入海水沙的关系

    On the evolution of the Huanghe River Delta and its relation to the riverway and sand entering the sea

  17. 下洞大桥跨越海岸边缘浅水区,海水对混凝土中的钢筋具强腐蚀性。

    Built across the shallow sea offshore , the reinforcement in concrete of Xiadong Bridge is quitc liable to seawater corrosion .

  18. 今年5月,台湾林业局为严重濒危的白海豚设立了300平方英里的海岸线保护区。

    And in May , Taiwan 's Forestry Bureau protected 300 square miles of shoreline for the critically endangered white dolphin .

  19. 从分布区类型构成看,胶州湾海岸湿地植物区系成分中世界分布属最多,达24属,占总属数的39.3%,这反映了湿地植被的隐域性特征。

    24 genera occupying 39.3 % of the total belong to cosmopolitan-areal type , reflecting that the vascular plants have universals in geographical distribution .

  20. 首次提出了海岸带缓冲区的概念,以及海岸带缓冲区规划和建设的初步构想。

    The coast belt buffer is put forward in this paper , which includes the primary conceiving of programming and building the coast belt buffer .

  21. 由于许多房地产泡沫具有区域性特征美国的东西海岸,欧元区内的西班牙和爱尔兰可由央行的地方分行或欧元区国家央行运用此类工具。

    Such a tool could be deployed by local central bank branches or national central banks in the eurozone since many housing bubbles are regional : East and west coast in the US , Spain and Ireland in the eurozone .

  22. 秦皇岛地区滨海湿地是我国最具代表性的沙质海岸湿地分布区,主要湿地类型为沙质海岸湿地、岩石性海岸湿地、河口湿地、湖湿地、浅海水域和人工湿地。

    The littoral wetland in Qinhuangdao area is a representative sandy coast wetland in China , and its main wetland types are sandy coast wetland , rocky coast wetland , estuarine wetland , lagoonal wetland , shallow sea wetland and artificial wetland .

  23. 海岸带波浪破碎区污染物运动的实验研究

    Laboratory ; Experimental study on pollutant transport in surf zone

  24. 秦皇岛海岸带种子植物区系的初步研究

    Primary Study on the Flora of Seed Plants from the Coast of Qinhuangdao

  25. 这只小海豚跟丢了它的妈妈,在安达卢西亚地区莫雅克海岸附近的浅水区搁浅。

    It had lost its mother and become stranded in shallow waters off the coast of Mojacar in Andalucia .

  26. 黄骅港海域风浪场推算及波浪破碎位置分析海岸带波浪破碎区污染物运动的实验研究

    Prediction of Wind-wave Field in Huanghua Port Sea Area and Analysis of Position of Breaking Waves Experimental study on pollutant transport in surf zone

  27. 澳大利亚政府通过在其西海岸天然气储备区建立大规模天然气项目。

    Australian Government Approves Massive Offshore Natural Gas Deal Australia has approved a huge natural gas project to be built on a nature reserve off its west coast .

  28. 这些导弹发射是在人们预期之中的,因为朝鲜曾以军事演习为由,在东部海岸设置禁航区,直至7月10日。

    The missile firings were expected after North Korea called for a no-sail zone in waters off its east coast , until July 10 , for military drills .

  29. 本文以海南岛海岸带为研究区,在遥感和地理信息系统技术的支持下分析了海岸带区域生态环境胁迫特征,对研究区生态安全现状进行系统评价和分析。

    Coastal zones in Hainan province are regarded as the study areas in this paper . Threat characteristics of regional ecological environment in coastal zones are analyzed by support of RS and GIS and the ecological safety conditions of study areas are systematically assessed and analyzed .

  30. 海岸公园及海岸保护区工作小组

    Marine Parks and Reserves Working Group