
  • 网络george bernard shaw;Bernard Shaw;Shaw
  1. 他曾尝试买下萧伯纳所有戏剧的电影改编权。

    He 'd tried to buy the film rights of all George Bernard Shaw 's plays .

  2. 她去了剑桥,交往的都是像萧伯纳这样的人物。

    She went to Cambridge and rubbed shoulders with the likes of George Bernard Shaw .

  3. 这本书充满了萧伯纳独特的爱尔兰式幽默与嘲讽。

    This book is suffused with Shaw 's characteristic wry Irish humour

  4. 她认识许多戏剧界人物,并与乔治·萧伯纳等很多人共过事。

    She knew many theatrical personalities and had worked , among others , with George Bernard Shaw .

  5. 他开始滔滔不绝地讲起萧伯纳的轶事。

    He launched into endless anecdotes about Shaw .

  6. 有一天,这位绅士请萧伯纳来赴宴。

    One day the gentlemen invited George Bernard Shaw to dinner .

  7. 萧伯纳一到,那女孩就弹奏起来。

    As soon as Shaw arrived , the girl started playing the piano .

  8. 她弹了又弹,可是萧伯纳一言不发,好像什么也没有听到似的,最后那失望的女孩停下来问道:“我让你讨厌了吗,先生?”

    She played and played , but Shaw said nothing as if he hadn 't heard anything . At last the disappointed2 girl stopped . " Am I bothering you , sir ? " she asked .

  9. 萧伯纳(GeorgeBernardShaw)曾说过:拆东墙补西墙的政府总能指望得到受补那方的支持。

    As George Bernard Shaw said : A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on Paul 's support .

  10. LSE古朴典雅的萧伯纳图书馆经过CIBL和LSE的精心布置,显得充满书卷气而又特别温馨。

    The Shaw Library of LSE demonstrated its academic and warm atmosphere thanks to the elaborate arrangement by CIBL and LSE .

  11. 这听上去很像萧伯纳(GeorgeBernardShaw)和韦伯夫妇(Webbs)等人喜欢的那种疯狂的、旨在改良人类的费边主义(Fabian)方案。

    It sounds like one of those wonderfully daffy Fabian schemes for the betterment of mankind that were embraced by the likes of George Bernard Shaw and the Webbs .

  12. 我习惯于独来独往。(萧伯纳)

    I 'm used to go about alone . ( Shaw )

  13. 从《人与超人》看萧伯纳的世界观

    Understanding George Bernard Shaw 's World Outlook from Man and Superman

  14. 萧伯纳《卖花女》中方言的汉译研究

    A Study on English-Chinese Dialect Translation of Bernard Shaw 's Pygmalion

  15. 《回到马修撒拉时代》&萧伯纳思想宣言

    Back to Methuselah & George Bernard Shaw 's Manifesto of Thought

  16. 当然现在我不想批评萧伯纳。

    I 'm sure I don 't want to criticize Bernard Shaw .

  17. 萧伯纳的女权主义思想也因此成了有价值的研究课题。

    Therefore , Shaw 's feminism is becoming a valuable researching task .

  18. 一个对萧伯纳或其著作的崇拜者。

    An admirer of G. B. Shaw or his works .

  19. 萧伯纳(他曾写过很多剧本)于1950年逝世。

    Bernard Shaw ( who wrote many plays ) died in 1950 .

  20. 萧伯纳在戏剧方面被公认为自莎士比亚后,英国最优秀的戏剧大师。

    Shaw is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare .

  21. 萧伯纳是他那个时代最重要的戏剧作家。

    Bernard Show was the foremost playwright of his time .

  22. 理智与情感的失衡&萧伯纳女性形象创作得失谈

    Imbalance between Sense and Sensibility : On Bernard Shaw 's Women Characters

  23. 成功掩盖了犯过的许多谬误。&萧伯纳

    Success covers a multitude of blunders . & Bernard Shaw

  24. 我猜想萧伯纳是把它作为幽默小品写的。

    I have an idea that Shaw wrote it as a skit .

  25. 英国著名作家萧伯纳曾经说过,自由意味着责任。

    The famous writer George Bernard Shaw once said : Liberty means responsibility .

  26. 论萧伯纳戏剧创作的创造进化论思想

    The Theory of Creative Evolution in Shaw 's Drama

  27. 萧伯纳在将近70岁的时候获得了诺贝尔奖。

    George Bernard Shaw won a Nobel Prize when he was nearly 70 .

  28. 食物可以满足食欲,但不能满足精神的需要。&萧伯纳

    Food can satisfy the appetite , but not the soul . & G.Bernard Shaw

  29. 萧伯纳是一个大好人:普天之下无一敌人,而且,也没有一个朋友喜欢他。

    Bernard Shaw is an excellent man ; he has no friend like him .

  30. 在萧伯纳所有的戏剧作品里,《卖花女》对流行文化的影响最大。

    Of all his plays , Pygmalion had the biggest impact on popular culture .