
  • 网络chopard;Frederic Chopin
  1. 3.1)corridor(n.)走廊,回廊才华扬溢的钢琴家暨作曲家萧邦逝于1849年10月17日,他被葬在法国的一处公墓。

    The body of the 1 ) brilliant pianist and 2 ) composer Frederic Chopin , who died on October 17 , 1849 , can be found in a Paris 3 ) cemetery .

  2. 这位钢琴家偏爱萧邦。

    The pianist has a bias in favour of Chopin .

  3. 与此同时,萧邦公司(Chopard)以及豪雅(TagHeuer)等珠宝及手表巨挈也拔备了相当可观的名人代言经费。

    Meanwhile , jewellery and watch powerhouses such as Chopard and Tag Heuer have sizeable celebrity budgets .

  4. 论萧邦四首谐谑曲的音乐内涵

    The Musical Connotation of the Four Scherzos by Chopin

  5. 请你为我演奏一些萧邦的作品好吗?

    Won 't you please play me some Chopin ?

  6. 她说她要弹萧邦的曲子时,我们觉得有点厌烦。

    We thought it a bit thick when she said she would play Chopin .

  7. 他说他崇拜萧邦。

    He said he looked up to chopin .

  8. 一个小时的抗争&读凯特·萧邦的《一个小时的故事》

    An Hour of Struggle : Interpreting Kate Chopin s The Story of An Hour ;

  9. 《觉醒》是美国女作家凯特?萧邦的代表作。

    The Awakening is the representative work of Kate Chopin , an American women writer .

  10. 爱德华‧奥尔长久以来被公认为最能够演释萧邦作品的钢琴家。

    Edward Auer has long been recognized as a leading interpreter of the works of Chopin .

  11. 她演奏萧邦的那段什么小曲子真是妙极了:特拉—拉—拉—利拉—利拉—莱。“

    What 's that little thing of Chopin 's she plays so magnificently : Tra-la-la-lira-lira-lay . "

  12. 那音乐教师每星期来两次,为的是填补多罗西与萧邦之间的一大段空白。

    The music teacher comes twice each week to bridge the awful gap between dorothy and chopin .

  13. 这个萧邦系列共分为三张专辑,第一张专辑已刚面世,而第二、第三张专辑亦在制作中。

    The first volume has just come out , and the second and third are on the way .

  14. 萧邦出生在华沙一个富裕的家庭里,父亲是法国人,母亲则是波兰贵族的后裔。

    Chopin was born in Warsaw into the affluent home of a French father and a Polish mother of noble lineage .

  15. 华语流行乐之王,周杰伦,凭借最新专辑《十一月的萧邦》续登桂冠。

    The king of Chinese pop , Jay Chow , keeps his crown with his newest album " November 's Chopin " .

  16. 萧邦的心脏被保存在这教堂里。是在左手边的第二个柱子里。很像有几十年了。我也不知萧邦几岁。

    Church of Holy Cross . Chopin 's heart is preserved in the second pillar on the left-hand side of the main nave .

  17. 《前奏曲》作品一是齐玛诺夫斯基早期的钢琴作品,创作风格深受萧邦、华格纳以及德国后期浪漫主义的影响。

    His early compositional style is often Romantic in character , while the middle period works lead to the atonality typical of his late music .

  18. 本文经过仔细研读凯特•萧邦著名短篇小说「一小时的故事」,来解析故事中语言迷宫的重要关卡和暗语。

    This essay closely examines Kate Chopin 's famous short story " The Story of an Hour " by decoding the puzzles of the language labyrinth set in it .

  19. 他在瑞典出生,但没有瑞典公民身份.萧邦出生在华沙一个富裕的家庭里,父亲是法国人,母亲则是波兰贵族的后裔。

    He was born in Sweden , but he doesn 't have Swedish citizenship . Chopin was born into the affluent home of a French father and a Polish mother of noble lineage in Warsaw .