
  • 网络Girard Perregaux;Girard-Perregaux;irard-perregaux
  1. 乍一看,芝柏是一个很荒野的地方。

    At first sight , chihpo is a grim place .

  2. 这是杨子云在芝柏村购买的最后一栋房子,是在去年夏天刚刚购得的。

    This was the last house Yang bought in chihpo and he acquired it only last summer .

  3. 根据当地房地产代理商的数据,尽管芝柏村的房地产价格依然合理,但过去3年几乎已增长了一倍。

    Although property prices in chihpo are still reasonable , they have almost doubled over the past three years , according to local estate agents .