
léi dá
  • radar;radar (radio detecting and ranging)
雷达 [léi dá]
  • [radar (radio detecting and ranging)] 测定目标位置的无线电装置或系统

雷达[léi dá]
  1. 我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。

    We continued tracking the plane on our radar .

  2. 他们通过雷达确定了船只的位置。

    They located the ship by radar .

  3. 这是肉眼胜过雷达的又一事例。

    It was yet another case where the human eye outperformed radar .

  4. 美国船员将雷达对准那艘土耳其船。

    The US crew fixed its radar on the Turkish ship

  5. 船上的雷达扫描了前方的海域。

    The ship 's radar scanned the sea ahead .

  6. 有段时间他离开了炮兵部队去指挥一支雷达小分队。

    At some stage he left the Artillery to command a radar unit .

  7. 飞行员抱怨说在高湿度条件下,“幻影”战斗机上的雷达出现了故障。

    Pilots complained that the radars in the Mirages malfunctioned during conditions of high humidity

  8. 飞机是在从米兰出发的飞行途中从雷达屏上消失的。

    The aircraft was on a flight from Milan when it disappeared from radar screens .

  9. 那架班机从他们的雷达屏幕上消失了。

    The airliner disappeared off their radar .

  10. 我们的雷达开始追踪喷气式飞机的动向。

    Our radar began tracking the jets

  11. 这艘军舰配备了新雷达。

    The warship was fitted out with a new radar .

  12. 雷达兵目不转睛地注视着荧光屏。

    The radarman 's eyes were glued to the screen .

  13. 所有现代化船只都有雷达装置。

    All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations .

  14. 飞机上安装了一个吸收敌方雷达信号的装置。

    The planes are fitted with a device that absorbs enemy radar signals .

  15. 我们的雷达确定了飞机的精确位置。

    Our radar has pinpointed the planes .

  16. 飞机现在像发光的信号一样在控制器的绿色雷达屏幕上移动。

    Aircraft now move across a controller 's green radar screen as a blip of light .

  17. 无人机搭载光电探测吊舱、合成孔径雷达、航拍CCD相机、应急通信保障吊舱、应急投送舱等设备。

    The large UAV is equipped with an electro-optical / infrared pod , a synthetic , an aerial camera , an emergency communication pod and an emergency transmit drop pod .

  18. 两架(歼-20)雷达隐形战机在广东珠海航展上进行了60秒的飞行表演。

    Two of the radar-evading jets performed a 60-second flypast at the Zhuhai air show in Guangdong province .

  19. 俄罗斯一架苏-34战斗机周五在远东地区从雷达上消失,机组可能已弹射逃生。

    A Su-34 fighter jet on Friday vanished off the radars in Russia 's Far East and the crew possibly managed to eject , local press reported .

  20. 测量队员们使用了全球卫星导航系统接收机、重力仪、雪深雷达和气象测量仪器进行测量作业。本次珠峰高程测量应用的创新科技包括北斗三号卫星导航系统、国产测绘仪器装备、航空重力仪、三维交互虚拟现实等技术。

    The surveyors used a global navigation satellite system receiver , a gravimeter , snow-depth radar and a meteorological measuring instrument to determine the height of Qomolangma . Innovations applied virtual reality .

  21. 这款应用采用激光雷达来实现误差不超过10厘米的高精度地面建模,并结合一天中太阳的运行轨迹,来计算出一天中任何时候的阴凉路径。

    The app uses a tool called Lidar to create high-resolution models of ground elevation , accurate to within 10cm . This information is combined with data on the sun 's path to work out where is in shade at any given time of day .

  22. C波段单脉冲雷达频率源

    C Band Monopulse Radar Frequency Source

  23. 线性调频CO2相干激光雷达的一种脉冲压缩方法

    A Method of Chirp Signal Processing for CO_2 Coherent Radar

  24. 探测低空大气CO2浓度分布的近红外微脉冲激光雷达

    Near infrared micro pulse lidar of profiling atomospheric co_2

  25. 分布式网络雷达抗ARM摧毁可行性分析

    Feasibility research of distributed netted radar against ARM attack

  26. GPS与真运动显示雷达

    GPS and true motion display of radar

  27. 利用GPS外辐射源的无源雷达系统

    Introduction of Non-Source Radar Based on GPS

  28. PD雷达信号检测-PDID

    PD Radar Signal Detection - PD ID

  29. 研究了GPS卫星作为照射源,接收机在地面的天地收发分置的双基地雷达探测系统。

    The GPS satellite as illumination sources , a bistatic radar system with the receiver on the ground is investigated .

  30. 建立了基于BP神经网络的某型雷达元器件级故障诊断模型。

    A radar components level failure diagnosis model of a certain type of radar is established based on BP neural network .