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léi shēng
  • thunder;thunderclap
雷声[léi shēng]
  1. 然而暴风雨的第一声前奏并非雷声隆隆,而是一记敲门声。

    The first hint of the storm is not a thunderclap , but a knock .

  2. 汇金公司的增持更是雷声大雨点小。

    Collects the golden company to increase holds is the thunderclap big raindrop is small .

  3. 外面雷声隆隆,霹雳炸响。

    Outside , thunder boomed and crashed .

  4. 雷声在天空中隆隆作响。

    Thunder boomed in the sky overhead .

  5. 远处雷声隆隆。

    Thunder grumbled in the distance .

  6. 雷声轰鸣,叫人害怕。

    The thunder growled menacingly .

  7. 头顶上雷声隆隆。

    Thunder crashed overhead .

  8. 雷声在头顶上炸开。

    Thunder exploded overhead .

  9. 雷声隆隆。

    Thunder rolled .

  10. 远处隆隆的雷声听着愈发惊心,要变天了。

    The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous .

  11. 天气一夜之间就转暖,而且雷声阵阵。

    The weather had turned warm and thundery overnight .

  12. 隆隆的雷声向西边传去,现在寂静下来了。

    It was quiet now , the thunder had grumbled away to the west

  13. 雨下得很大,她觉得她听见了一阵轰隆隆的雷声。

    The rain was teeming down and she thought she heard a rumble of thunder .

  14. 空中雷声咔嚓作响。

    Thunder cracked in the sky

  15. 雷声震撼了天宇。

    The heavens shook with thunder .

  16. 雷声隔得一次比一次久,这意味着暴风雨正在过去。

    The increasing distance between thunderclaps meant the storm was moving away .

  17. 我听到远处雷声隆隆。

    I hear the rumble of thunder in the distance .

  18. 他被雷声吓了一跳。

    He was scared by the thunder .

  19. 雷声响彻空际。

    There was thunder in the air .

  20. 闪电通常伴有雷声。

    Lightning usually accompanies thunder .

  21. 事情迅速平静下来了,然而,在这种平静的表面背后争论如隆隆雷声持续不断。

    Things rapidly became calm , though beneath the surface the argument rumbled on .

  22. 雷声轰鸣。

    There was a peal of thunder .

  23. 暴风雨中夹杂着雷声。

    The storm is accompanied with thunder .

  24. 雷声使马受惊了。

    The thunder panicked the horses .

  25. 雷声在不远处轰轰地响着。

    There 's thunder hanging about .

  26. 雷声隆隆。

    The thunder is growling .

  27. 缓慢的拖着尾巴的雷声也来了

    A long peal of thunder came echoing across the sky .

  28. 我们听见远处有隆隆雷声。

    We heard thunder growling in the distance .

  29. 雷声吓着了孩子。

    The thunder scared the children .

  30. 基于模糊自适应PID控制的猎雷声纳基阵姿态稳定系统

    Fuzzy Adaptive PID Control of the Attitude Stabilization System for a Sonar Array