
  • 网络the leizhou peninsula
雷州半岛 [léi zhōu bàn dǎo]
  • [Leizhou Peninsula] 广东省西南部伸入南海的半岛,隔海与海南岛相望。湛江为该半岛的主要城市及港口

  1. 雷州半岛白骨壤自然种群遗传多样性的ISSR分析

    ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Avicennia marina Populations in Leizhou Peninsula

  2. 同时,GAM模型对雷州半岛上两个站点的预测结果与事实不相符合。

    Meanwhile , the results by GAM model of two sites in Leizhou Peninsula are inconsistent with the facts .

  3. 本章研究建立了雷州半岛丰枯雨量预测的门限自回归(thresholdauto-regressive-TAR)模型。

    In this chapter , to establish threshold auto-regressive model ( TAR ) to predicting rainfall of plentiful and low water period .

  4. 雷州半岛桉树人工林3PG模型的研究

    Study on 3 PG Model for Eucalyptus Plantations in Leizhou Peninsula

  5. 在对联合反演和模拟退火算法研究基础上,利用大地电磁(MT)与地震资料的模拟退火约束同步反演技术,对雷州半岛徐闻地区的MT资料和地震数据进行了处理。

    Based on the studies of simulated annealing algorithm and joint inversion methods , the magnetotelluric ( MT ) and seismic data from Xuwen area , Leizhou peninsula were processed using simulated annealing algorithm constrained joint inversion of magneto-telluric and seismic data .

  6. 雷州半岛浅海沉积物发育的桉林地砖红壤贮水量较低,0&100cm土层只有150mm;

    The moisture status and its meaning of latosol under Eucalyptus in Leizhou peninsula was characterized by lower in stored water content , only being 150 mm in 0-100 cm soil layer ;

  7. 为了准确、快速预测速生尾叶桉人工林生产力,该文运用3-PG模型对我国广东省雷州半岛上广泛种植的尾叶桉的生长规律进行研究。

    In order to reliably and rapidly predict plantation production of fast-growing Eucalyptus urophylla , the3-PG model was applied to study the growth laws in the stands of E.

  8. 雷州半岛农业土壤中PAEs化合物组分主要以DnBP、DEHP、DIP、BEHP和DAP为主,它们的平均含量分别为282.3、140.7、92.55、79.63和45.94μg·kg-1。

    The main components of PAE compounds in soils of Leizhou peninsula were DnBP , DEHP , DIP , BEHP and DAP , and their averaged concentrations in soils was 282.3 , 140.7 , 92.55 , 79.63 and 45.94 μ g · kg-1 respectively .

  9. 在雷州半岛地区第四纪以来的环境变迁过程中,距今7000~8000a前的全新世中期发生的大海侵,是奠定雷州半岛地貌形态的时期。

    In the process of environmental evolution in the middle Holocene , about 7,000-8,000 years BP , a big sea transgression occurred in Leizhou peninsula , which underlay the present morphology .

  10. 雷州半岛桉树工业人工林培育模式评价

    Evaluation on Cultivation Regimes of Eucalyptus Industrial Plantation in Leizhou Peninsula

  11. 雷州半岛地区第四纪环境演变

    The Quaternary environment evolution of the Leizhou Peninsula area , China

  12. 根据雷州半岛的自然条件和生产特征,建立了光、温、水和土壤条件对甘蔗自然生产潜力影响的分析模型和综合模型;

    The analysis model and synthetic model of effect of light .

  13. 雷州半岛水资源可持续利用评价的研究

    Study on Sustainable Utilization Evaluation of Water Resources in Leizhou Peninsula

  14. 雷州半岛桉树无性系抗风性的研究

    Study on the Wind-resistance Traits of Eucalyptus Clones in Leizhou Peninsula

  15. 雷州半岛西瓜最佳灌溉模式初步研究

    Preliminary Research on the Optimum Irrigation Model for Watermelon in Leizhou Peninsula

  16. 雷州半岛气候资源特征与农业发展对策

    The climatic resource characteristics and countermeasures of agricultural development in Leizhou Peninsula

  17. 雷州半岛桉树人工林土壤肥力特征及其成因

    Characteristics and Causes of Soil Fertility Under Eucalyptus Plantations in Leizhou Peninsula

  18. 雷州半岛一次特大暴雨的特点及成因

    Characteristics and Causes of a Severe Rainstorm in Leizhou Peninsula

  19. 其雷州半岛与海南省隔海相望。

    Hainan province is offshore across from the Leizhou Peninsula .

  20. 穿越雷州半岛时地形对热带气旋特性的影响

    Influences of topography on characteristics of typhoon crossing Leizhou Peninsula

  21. 雷州半岛胀缩土地裂缝及其成因机理

    Origins and mechanisms of ground fissures in Leizhou peninsula , south China

  22. 雷州半岛地裂与地震活动关系初探

    The relations between the ground fracture and seismic activity at Leizhou Peninsula

  23. 历史时期雷州半岛的土地开发亦不例外。

    The land exploitation of Leizhou Peninsula is no exception .

  24. 雷州半岛南部二辉橄榄岩包体成因探讨

    Discussion about the origin of the lherzolite xenoliths in southern Leizhou Peninsula

  25. 雷州半岛菠萝蜜种质资源的果实形态标记及性状的因子分析

    Morphological Markers and Principal Components Analysis of Jackfruit Germplasm in Leizhou Peninsula

  26. 雷州半岛蔗区土壤养分测定与研究

    Studies on Sugarcane Region Soil Nutrient in Leizhou Peninsula

  27. 雷州半岛土壤重金属分布特征及其污染评价

    Distribution and pollution assessment of heavy metals in soil samples of Leizhou Peninsula

  28. 雷州半岛红树林滩涂底栖生物多样性的初步研究

    Study on biodiversity of mangrove benthos in Leizhou Peninsula

  29. 雷州半岛北部泥炭形成的时期、古气候和古地理

    Peat-forming Periods , Palaeo-climatology , and Palaeo-Geography in the North of Leizhou Peninsula

  30. 雷州半岛农业旱灾脆弱性研究

    Study on Agriculture Drought Disaster Vulnerability in Leizhou Peninsula