
  1. (Ω,Aμν)场论中的雷达回波延迟

    Radar Echo Delay in the (Ω, A μν) - Field Theory

  2. 光子静止质量与雷达回波延迟

    Photon rest mass and gravitational radar echo delay

  3. 星体的质量、电量或角动量都会产生时空弯曲,它的两个重要的广义相对论效应就是光线偏折和雷达回波延迟。

    Two well-known general relativistic effects due to space-time curvature by mass and charge or angular momentum of a star are deflection of light and radar echo delay .

  4. 讨论了弯曲时空下,当光子静止质量不为零时引力的时间延迟效应,即光子静止质量对在地球上发射再从行星上反射回来的掠过太阳的雷达回波延迟的影响。

    Discussed was the influence of photon rest mass on the delay of the radar echo which was sent from the earth and was reflected from the plant in the gravitational field of the sun , when the photon rest mass did not equal to zero in the curved time-space .

  5. 各向同性坐标系中的雷达回波时间延迟

    Time-delay of radar echo in the isotropic coordinate system