
  • 网络rennes;ryan;Wren
  1. 雷恩古城的大部分在1720年的大火中毁于一旦。

    Much of historic Rennes was destroyed by fire in 1720 .

  2. 人们对此已经表现出很大的兴趣,也进行了大量的测试。例如,去年底,运营商Orange开始试验,使用改进后的手机来支付在法国雷恩周边旅游的费用。

    There is already substantial interest and trials aplenty . Late last year , for example , the operator Orange began experiments using modified phones to make payments for travel around Rennes in France .

  3. “哈!”雷恩说,“你以为我会相信你?”

    Ha ! said Wren . Think I 'd trust you ?

  4. 众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。

    As Wren 's epitaph famously declares , the cathedral itself is his monument .

  5. 在利物浦朗雷恩公墓为布赖恩·爱泼斯坦举行了私人葬礼。

    Brian Epstein was buried in a private ceremony at Long Lane Cemetery , Liverpool .

  6. 雷恩:我们可以帮他调个key吗?他唱高一点的音或许会比较好听。

    Ryan : Can we adjust the pitch a little ? Maybe he 'll sound better in a higher key .

  7. 我的同事雷恩•布拉德利指出,谷歌Reader的社交元素是它最吸引人的特点之一。

    As my colleague Ryan Bradley points out , the social aspect of Google Reader was one its most appealing parts .

  8. 雷恩:是KTV耶!

    Ryan : It 's a KTV palace !

  9. 欧盟经济事务专员雷恩(OlliRehn)表示,债务危机是一个严重的威胁。

    Olli Rehn , the E.U. monetary affairs commissioner , said the debt crisis is a serious threat .

  10. 雷恩表示,西班牙在2014年将需要采取更多行动,届时西班牙政府必须将预算赤字降至欧盟的门槛(GDP的3%)以下,而去年底西班牙的预算赤字水平为其GDP的11%。

    He said Spain would need to do more in 2014 , when Madrid is required to reduce its budget deficit , which was 11 per cent of GDP at the end of last year , to less than the EU threshold of 3 per cent .

  11. 1月中旬,法国雷恩市(Rennes)一场止痛药临床试验不幸出错,致一名男子死亡。

    Last week , a man died in the French city of Rennes after a clinical trial of a painkiller went tragically wrong .

  12. 据美联社报道,因T.J.雷恩认罪,检察官同意撤销其死刑判决。

    The Associated Press reports that in return prosecutors have agreed to drop the possibility of the death penalty for T.J. Lane .

  13. 每周日上午9点至下午1点半,谢尔什-米迪路和雷恩路之间的拉斯帕伊大道(BoulevardRaspail)上弥漫着煎洋葱的浓郁香味。

    Every Sunday from 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. , the air on Boulevard Raspail , between the Rue Cherche-Midi and Rue de Rennes , fills with the tantalizing smell of saut é ing onions .

  14. 吴季刚和彼得逊出席了会议,随著水晶雷恩和盖比Odiele和Hanne,谁看著名誉主席内特Berkus帮助经营展前拍卖。

    Jason Wu and Peter Som were in attendance , along with Crystal Renn and Hanne Gaby Odiele , who watched as Honorary Chair Nate Berkus helped run the pre-show auction .

  15. 雷恩,你还有话给谁说吗?

    Ryan , is there anyone you want to talk to ?

  16. 这是一个关于老师的故事,老师的名字叫伊卡博德?克雷恩。

    It is about a schoolteacher whose name is Ichabod Crane .

  17. 雷恩回家去好好想办法对付那个水桶。

    Ryan goes home to brainstorm how to fight that bucket .

  18. 然后可能格雷恩和小学项目可能有几行。

    Then possibly Grenn and Pyp might have a few lines .

  19. 我待在庞恰特雷恩饭店。

    I 'm staying at the Pontchartrain Hotel on the Avenue .

  20. 雷恩:抱歉,可是我不会!

    Ryan : I 'm sorry , but I can 't !

  21. 雷恩:我还以为他只喜欢听歌呢?

    Ryan : I thought he only liked to listen ?

  22. 雷恩:你点什么我就吃什么。

    Ryan : I 'll have whatever you 're having .

  23. 关于螺栓资料,请参阅美国克雷恩安装和维护手册。

    For bolting information , consult the crane installation and maintenance manual .

  24. 那么为什么你会那么怕雷恩和莎佩呢?

    So , why are you so afraid of Ryan and Sharpay ?

  25. 雷恩:你在服甚麽药丸?

    Raine : what 's that pill you 're taking ?

  26. 雷恩事故是对这些责任的一次提醒。

    The Rennes incident is a reminder of those responsibilities .

  27. 雷恩总是认为他有朝一日会成为百万富翁。

    Ryan always believes he 'll become a millionaire someday .

  28. 该伯德雷恩目前正在与谷歌的大规模数字化项目。

    The Bodleian is currently engaged in a mass-digitisation project with Google .

  29. 你就预感到代价就是失去伊格雷恩?

    You went to know the price would be Ygrainne 's life ?

  30. 吉姆·帕森斯1991年毕业于克雷恩橡木高中。

    He graduated from Klein Oak High School in 1991 .