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yàng shì
  • style;pattern;type;form;model;shape;fashion;modality;paradigm;wanner
样式 [yàng shì]
  • [wanner;shape;fashion;form] 式样;形式

  • 各种样式的羊毛衫

样式[yàng shì]
  1. 裁缝用大头针把样式别在布料上。

    The dressmaker used a pin to fasten the pattern to the cloth .

  2. 这箱子是仿照新样式制作的。

    This box is made after a new pattern .

  3. 这种汽车的基本设计与早期的样式非常相似。

    The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models .

  4. 买价钱经济的家具并不意味着就要牺牲质量和样式。

    Buying budget-priced furniture needn 't mean compromising on quality or style

  5. 该公司自成立以来已经完成了53种不同样式飞行器的设计。

    Since its inception the company has produced 53 different aircraft designs .

  6. 各种颜色和样式都有。

    A wide range of colours and patterns are available

  7. 这些鞋样式新颖,质量上乘。

    The shoes were of good design and good quality

  8. 我们供应制作清淡、样式简洁的传统法国菜肴。

    We serve traditional French food cooked in a lighter way , keeping the presentation simple

  9. 它是模仿一种欧洲的样式修建的。

    It was built after a European model .

  10. 那种愚蠢的样式会风行,责任在谁?

    Who is responsible for bringing that stupid style into fashion ?

  11. 我不喜欢他这套西装的样式。

    I don 't like the cut of his new suit .

  12. 这家图书馆是按照华盛顿国会图书馆的样式去建造的。

    The library was modelled after the library of Congress in washington .

  13. 我不喜欢这件上衣背后的样式。

    I don 't like the happy of this coat at the back .

  14. 这是哥特式建筑的典型样式。

    It is a classic style of Gothic buildings .

  15. 这种样式太花了。

    This pattern is too fancy .

  16. 一次穿越动物园的轻松而难忘的夜间旅行,节日人偶和巨大的动物样式的灯笼会指引你,为你照亮前行的道路。

    A relaxed and unforgettable night time journey through the zoo with festive characters and giant animal lanterns to light your way .

  17. 极大的改进了用于操作样式的用户界面——(列表样式)在ribbon(工具栏)的galleries(图形目录)中

    The UI for applying styles – galleries in the ribbon – is a big step forward .

  18. 给我们看见强烈的对照:两种完全相反的生活样式

    Involves a contrast-a positing of walks that are opposites .

  19. 还有一些彩灯延袭了古时各朝各代宫灯的样式

    Some lanterns are patterned after palace style lamps of bygone dynasties .

  20. 2022年冬残奥会火炬与冬奥会火炬结构与样式相同,采用金色与银色,火炬最下方刻有“北京2022年冬残奥会”全称的盲文。

    Sharing the same structure and patterns , the torch for the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games features a different color scheme of gold and silver . The bottom of the torch is engraved with Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games in Braille .

  21. 挑选喜欢的样式,单击Next。

    Pick a style of your choice , and click Next .

  22. 呈现日历Web服务和样式表层

    Render the calendar Web service and style sheet layer

  23. rules:指向样式表目录(缺省值:rules)

    Rules : Points to the style sheet directory ( default : rules )

  24. 理解这一点可帮助您集中关注用户对Web样式的体验。

    Understanding this distinction can help you focus on your users'experience with your Web presence .

  25. Web应用程序是MVC架构样式的早期实现者。

    Web applications were the early implementers of MVC architecture style .

  26. 基于BP神经网络的数字调制信号样式自动识别

    Automatic Identification of the Digital Signals Modulation Based on the BP Neural Network

  27. 此方法让您能够广泛地定制输出XML,包括其结构和样式。

    This method allows you to extensively customize the output XML , including its structure and style .

  28. Homepage支持JavaScript和层叠样式表(CSS)资源。

    The Home page supports JavaScript and cascading style sheet ( CSS ) resources .

  29. 而系统报表的输出借助于REPORT技术实现,包括数据源设计和输出样式实现。

    The system report output employs REPORT technology , including the design of data sources and the implementation of output patterns .

  30. Inspection视图会显示相关的CSS条目,包括继承样式。

    The Inspection view shows related CSS entries , including inherited styles .