- 网络Sample plot;sampling plot

The area of each plot was 20 m × 20 m.
The DBH size-class structure of all species in the plot generally fitted a " reverse J " distribution , indicating good regeneration across the community .
Species richness increased with increasing spatial scales , and β richness at site scale contributed the most .
Plot location and hyperspectral image registration is accurately done by GPS position methods .
The method of the standard sample-plot combined with remote sensing and GIS are employed .
Methods for Calculating the Data from Sample Survey in Cutting Area based on Excel Setting
Absorption index of Cu in plot A and C were the largest , and that of Fe were the smallest .
The pH value of the soil increased slightly the same year after fire , but no obvious changes the next year after fire .
Based on field survey with GPS to fixed position , Pinus massoniana biomass in Lumensi forest farm were measured by setting up sample plots .
There is a magnificant difference of the genetic diversity of Bacteria in the distributive area of Tetraena Mongolica , between the area with colliery and the one without colliery .
The value of CH4 flux is also negative in Leymus chinensis plots .
The aggregation index of most plots in these stands was significantly larger than one , which indicated that the distribution pattern of tree individuals was uniform .
In the summer and autumn , the maximum of diurnal mean CO_2 flux all occurred in Form . Hippophae rhamnoides , and the minimum in sandy land .
The organic content , total N and alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content of Populus spp plantations plot A and B is higher in the 2 cm soil layer ;
Combined GIS with MATLAB , the automatic extraction of RS and geography information of sample plots was realized . 5 .
Also , each site had its own specific AOB populations .
Using the software GS + for Windows , the parameters of the isotropic semivariogram were calculated and the Kriging map was drawn for each shrub population in the plot .
The conspicuous difference of soil Hydrolysable N , NH4 + - N , total P , available P , slowly available K , rapidly available K were brought by the influence of different vegetation pattern .
Based on the sampling analysis , concentration and variation of five elements which are N , P , K , Ca and Mg in different organs for three growth stages of Castanea henryi plantation have been studied .
Transversely , the maximum appeared at the plot of 450m distance from the river course .
The alkali - hydrolysable nitrogen of Larix gmelini plantations plots C , D and G are lower in each soil layers , but the total phosphorus value are higher ;
The results showed that the sampling sites of 10m × 10m and 20m × 20m were satisfied for different precision of study .
The contents , accumulation and distribution of 5 nutrient elements ( N , P , K , Ca , Mg ) were studied in 3 sample plots of Chinese pine plantation in the loess region in Shaanxi Province .
Using the ground control points collected by DGPS to correct the image , the corresponding image data were registered by the sample plots .
The soil N 2O emission fluxes in the two plots of broad-leaved Korean pine forest were measured by static closed chamber-gas chromatograph in Changbai Mountain .
Contrasting to no interference sample CK , soil organic matter , hydrolyzed N , effective P , available K quality score of different types of degraded forest sample were reduced , while the Total K quality score was elevated .
The results show that there are 51 woody species and 59 158 living individuals .
With the method of Projection Pursuit Regression ( PPR ), we analysed the date collected from seven sample spots in Shanghai .
Data from 4 100m × 100m natural forest plots , then uniform angle index and pair-correlation function are used to analyze the spatial patterns of trees in forest plots with varying areas .
For trees ( DBH > 2.5 ), species diversity and evenness indices increased from 1982 to 1994 in all the three forests .