
  • 网络sample point;Sampling point;Samples
  1. 研究对象为样本点时,从整体上把握数据属性方面有所欠缺。

    Secondly , sample point is considered as study object , that grasping data characteristics at whole aspect is hard .

  2. 计算结果表明,并行遗传算法适合于求解问题规模较大及大数据样本点的数据约简问题。

    The computation results show that parallel genetic algorithm is fit for data reduction problem with large scale and large data sample point .

  3. 形状描述子表示为一个N维向量,N是样本点个数。

    The shape descriptor is an N-dimensional vector , N is the number of sample points .

  4. EM算法每一步的迭代中需要遍历所有的样本点。

    EM makes a pass through all of the available data in every iteration .

  5. 在孔洞边界周围采集三角片顶点,将其作为样本点集来训练RBF网络;

    Secondly , the RBF network was trained by using the triangle vertices which gathered around the hole .

  6. 可视度函数是空间频域的采样值,在做Fourier逆变换之前需要将样本点插到一个均匀的网格上。

    Visibility function is the sampled value in space frequency field which should be inserted in a symmetrical grid before making Fourier inverse-transformation .

  7. 该算法利用核聚类算法在特征空间对样本点进行聚类,然后根据每个样本点到聚类中心的距离的比值,得到参数C。

    The sample points are clustered in the feather space with the cluster algorithm , and then the parameter is obtained according to the ratio of the distance between cluster centers .

  8. 在古典概型问题中引入了n次随机试验,n维样本点,n维随机事件和n维样本空间等概念,对解决古典概型的应用问题提供了相应的数学模型。

    This thesis introduces some concepts as N random test , N-dimensional samples , N-dimensional random events , and N-dimensional space samples into the classical probability type 's problem .

  9. 网络的训练利用改进的BP算法,将因子模糊化快速进行。样本点数据则由利用动态逆控制所得到的结果来提供。

    The networks are trained by the fast BP algorithm via fuzzy variables decision , and training samples are provided by the dynamic inversion control results .

  10. 侯晓荣给出了寻求平面代数剖分样本点的临界点算法,这较惯用的柱形代数分解(CAD)算法,其效率较高。

    Hou Xiao rong proposed the critical point method to find the sample points of planar algebraic decomposition , which is more efficient than the traditional algorithm for cylindrical algebraic decomposition ( CAD ) .

  11. 对Henon映射的仿真结果说明,此种方法的正确性以及计算所需样本点较少,计算速度快,精度较高。

    The computing results of the Henon map show that this method has higher precision and computing speed .

  12. 而在数据样本点满足统计要求的前提下,应用岩心分析数据转换法所求解的MDT渗透率相当于储层在理想条件下的渗透率;

    When the data samples can meet statistical requirements , the core data method may be used to calculate the ideal permeability of reservoir .

  13. 本文提出了寻找平面代数剖分样本点的一个有效算法并给出了实现该算法的一个完整的Maple程序。

    In this paper we propose an efficient technique for finding sample points of algebraic decomposition of real plane and give a complete Maple program for implementing this algorithm .

  14. PCA方法是根据样本点在多维模式空间的位置分布,将样本点在空间中变化最大方向作为基向量来实现数据的特征提取与压缩。

    According to the distribution properties of samples in the multi-dimensional space , PCA takes the direction that along which sample points changed greatest in the space for discriminant vector to realize data extraction and compression .

  15. 蒙特卡罗方法(MC)采用的是随机抽样生成的样本点,而拟蒙特卡罗方法(QMC)生成的是确定性的点列(低偏差序列)。

    While Monte Carlo ( MC ) methods are based on random sampling , Quasi-Monte Carlo ( QMC ) methods use deterministically chosen points known as low discrepancy sequences .

  16. 结合灰色关联分析对Kring模型的随机分布部分中的θ值进行优化,在不增加样本点的情况下提高了Kriging模型的精度。

    The theta value of the random distribution of the Kriging model is optimized with the grey relational analysis and it can improve the accuracy of Kriging model without increasing the other sample points .

  17. 利用拉丁超立方采样技术选取样本点,借助有限元和有限差分技术计算样本点的位移响应,从而建立Kriging代理模型。

    The Kriging surrogate model is set up by making use of the displacement solution given by FEM and FDM at sample points , and sample points are selected via a Latin Hypercube sampling technique .

  18. 通过离线的迭代算法生成高精度的样本点来训练神经网络,使用动量法、变学习率法和共轭梯度法提高BP网络的收敛速度。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    The training samples were obtained through off-line numerical method with high precision . Using momentum technique , variable learning rate technique and conjugate gradient algorithm to accelerate the convergence speed of BP network .

  19. 针对3次准均匀B样条曲线,找到一个效果理想、操作简单的取样方案:在参数区间上等距取3(n-1)个样本点(n为B样条曲线特征多边形的顶点数)。

    In addition , a simple and ideal way of sampling on cubic open uniform B_spline type curve is given : 3 ( n - 1 ) equidistant sample points are taken from a parameter interval ( n is the number of vertex of a B_spline curve characteristic polygon ) .

  20. 根据RTK采集的无人机影像像控点,进行离散点内插规格格网DEM实验,探讨样本点选取和内插算法选择等因素对构建规格格网DEM的精度评价。

    According to the UAV images control points collected by RTK , it had explored the accuracy of regular grid DEM construction about sample points and interpolation algorithm selection factors such as in experiments of grid DEM construction interpolated by discrete points . 3 .

  21. 并且当折扣系数为1,且给定所有最近邻样本点权重相等时,基于证据推理模型的k-NN分类方法就成为基于证据理论的k-NN分类方法。

    When the discount coefficient is 1 and all weights of the nearest neighbor sample points are the same , the k-NN classification method based on evidence reasoning model will become the k-NN classification method based on evidence theory .

  22. 结果表明:48个样本点的192份土样的电导率值均小于2.0ds/m,即该地区的公路路肩1m深度内土壤属于非盐渍化土壤;

    The research on the inner rules was also conducted with the method of the SPSS . The result indicated that the average conductivity of 192 soil samples in 48 sample spots , where the highway shoulder soil was the non-salt-alkaloid soil , was below 2.0 ds / m.

  23. 论述了Fortran在坐标测量数据采集系统以及图形输出系统中与汇编语言的程序连接及调用方法,讨论了利用Fortran语言进行测量样本点的拟合、画线以及图形输出问题,给出了编程方法及实例。

    This paper describes the method of . program connecting and transfering of Fortran and assembly language in data collecting and graph output system in coordinates measurement , discusses the problem of curve 's simulating and output of using measuring sample dots and gives out the programming method and example .

  24. SBGA将设计区域分成多个小的子域,根据已搜索过的样本点在这些子域内的分布情况来指导后续的搜索。

    In SBGA , design space is divided into many small and isolate subdomains , and distribution information in these subdomains will be traced in the process of evolution , which will be used to guide subsequent search .

  25. 针对变量多重相关性及解释变量多于样本点等实际问题,伍德(S.Wold)与阿巴诺(C.Albano)等人于1983年最早提出了偏最小二乘回归。

    For the problem of multicollinearity and the number of explanatory variables rather than practical issues , S.Wold and C.Albano first proposed Partial Least Squares Regression ( PLSR ) in 1983 .

  26. 发现代表形成和不形成三元金属间化合物的合金系的样本点在由Villars原子参数或其函数张成的多维空间中分布在不同的区域。

    It has been found that the representative points of ternary compound - forming alloy systems and that of ternary alloy systems without ternary compound are distributed in different regions in the multi-dimensional space spanned by the atomic parameters or their functions .

  27. 电路可接受域窗函数及样本点一阶矩轨迹

    Circuit Acceptability Region Window Function and Sampling Point One-order Moment Locus

  28. 分析了多项式曲线与样本点的误差。

    The errors between the polynomial curve and samples order were analyzed .

  29. 平面代数剖分样本点的一个有效算法

    An efficient algorithm for finding sample points of algebraic decomposition of plane

  30. 神经网络学习样本点的选取方法比较

    Comparison of Methods to Produce Sample Points in Training ANN