
cāo zuò fú
  • operator;delete operator;manipulator
  1. 都是一个new操作符后跟一个类名。

    A new operator is followed by the class name .

  2. 将它拖放到GroupBy操作符的右边。

    Drag it to the right of the Group By operator .

  3. 该操作符还充当GroupBy操作符的输入。

    This operator also serves as input to the Group By operator .

  4. 完成以下步骤,创建GroupBy操作符并对它进行配置。

    Complete the following steps to create and program the Group By operator .

  5. 把第二个数据流操作符连接到End操作符。

    Connect the second data flow operator to the End operator .

  6. 选择LIKE作为过滤器操作符。

    Select LIKE as the filter operator .

  7. 拥有构造函数之后,就可以使用new操作符来创建对象了,如下所示

    Once I have a constructor function , I can use the new operator to create objects , as shown below

  8. 可以用括号和逻辑操作符把test命令支持的测试组合起来。

    You can combine tests that are allowed for the test command using parentheses and logical operators .

  9. 右键单击这个操作符并选择ShowPropertiesView以指定它的属性。

    Right-click the operator and select Show Properties View to specify information for this operator .

  10. 除了炒作之外,你不需要在所有看到“new”操作符的地方使用依赖注入。

    Despite the hype , you do not need to replace the " new " operator with injection everywhere you see it .

  11. 这些表达式也支持通用操作符(如like、between、AND、or等)。

    The common operators ( such as like , between , AND , or ) are all supported .

  12. 在MiningFlow编辑器的右侧,可以看到一个带操作符的调色板。

    On the right side of the Mining editor you can see a palette with operators .

  13. 把Start操作符连接到第一个数据流操作符的输入。

    Connect the Start operator to the input of the first data flow operator .

  14. 最后,该操作符提取一个关系值,用于驱动随后的GroupBy操作中计算的聚合操作。

    Finally , this operator extracts one relational value that drives two aggregate operations computed in a subsequent Group By operation .

  15. XML查询计算:执行计划和新操作符

    XML query evaluation : Execution plans and new operators

  16. C/C++表达式中操作符的优先级与结合性的理解

    The Understanding on the Priority & Associativity of Operators in C / C + + Expression

  17. 示例数据流需要两个XMLRelationalMapping操作符。

    The sample data flow needs two XML Relational Mapping operators .

  18. 完成以下步骤,添加第二个XMLRelationalMapping操作符

    Complete the following steps to add the second XML Relational Mapping operator

  19. 第二个操作符从不同的XML节点提取一些关系列值。

    The second operator extracts a number of relational column values from various XML nodes .

  20. 最后,通过右键单击tabletarget操作符并选择runtothisstep,执行这个流。

    Finally , execute the flow by right-clicking on the table target operator and run to this step .

  21. 使用带有>文件重定向操作符的cat命令。

    Use the cat command with the > file-redirection operator .

  22. 可以通过右键单击Associations操作符并选中OpenModel来直观地查阅这些关联规则。

    You can visually explore the association rules by right clicking on the Associations operator and select Open Model .

  23. 这几组只涵盖了普通Java编程中可用操作符的一个子集。

    These groups only capture a subset of the available operators in normal Java programming .

  24. 在保存完成的混搭之前,应在所有使用关系型更新数据源的source操作符中关闭缓存。

    Just before saving the completed mashup , you should turn off caching in all source operators that use relational update feeds .

  25. 针对“RETAILRULES”的一个表目标操作符现在应被显示在挖掘流中。

    A table target operator for " RETAIL_RULES " should now be shown in the mining flow .

  26. 但是请注意,这些操作符每次操作时都构造一个新的Rational对象。

    Notice , however , that each of these operators works by constructing a new Rational object each time .

  27. 您还看到从C语言带来的简化,其中包括字符串连接、关联数组元素和合并操作符。

    You 'll also find some simplifications from C , which include string concatenation , associative array elements , and aggregation operators .

  28. 可以根据连接操作符的细节判断连接的类型(INNER、RIGHT或LEFT)。

    You can tell the type of join ( INNER , RIGHT , or LEFT ) by the details of the join operator .

  29. DictionaryLookup操作符为词汇表已有单词查找以下拼写

    The Dictionary Lookup operator finds the following spelling for in-vocabulary words

  30. 注意,两个方法都使用关键字self和访问解析操作符来引用$iodir属性。

    Notice that both methods refer to the $ iodir property using the keywordself and the scope resolution operator .