
  • 网络Operating specifications;sops;operation standard;Good Laboratory Practice;standard operation procedure
  1. 对中医全身望诊信息采集操作规范的思考

    Thinking on the Whole-Length Observation in TCM Information Collection Operation Standard

  2. 方法根据《内镜清洗消毒技术操作规范(2004年版)》要求,对医院内镜消毒管理现状进行调查,并对消毒后的内镜采样监测。

    ( METHODS ) According to Technical Operation Standard for Endoscopes Cleaning and Disinfection ( 2004 )′ s ( requirement ), a survey and sampling of disinfected endoscopes were carried out .

  3. 以下附加的excel文件总结了软管总成的al购买和操作规范。

    The following attached excel file summaries the Al purchasing and operations specification of hose assemblies .

  4. 基于(Web)XML空间数据互操作规范的方式是目前实现Internet上空间信息共享和互操作的有效途径。

    The method based on ( Web ) XML standards is the best method to implement spatial information sharing and interoperability through the Internet at present time .

  5. 塑料条快速ELISA诊断日本血吸虫病的影响因素分析和操作规范化研究

    Study on analyzing the affection factors and developing the optimal operation conditions of the fast plastic-strip ELISA for diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica

  6. 介绍了工控系统互操作规范OPC的最新进展,详细介绍了以XML技术为基础的新一代OPC规范XMLDA及其技术特点。

    This paper introduces the new development of OPC specification . It mainly introduces the new generation XML-DA specification and its characteristics in detail .

  7. 结论ELISA方法灵敏度高,仪器操作规范化,便于资料保存,用于血液筛查是一种理想的方法。

    Conclusion TP-ELISA method with high sensitivity is suitable for the instrument standardization and data preservation , which is an ideal method for blood screen test of syphilis .

  8. GMP(良好操作规范)是保证药品、食品具有高度安全性的良好生产管理体系,是一种自主性管理制度。

    GMP is good manufacturing practice system to prove the safety of production of medicine and food , is a independent manufacturing system .

  9. 然后本文详细介绍了目前国际上广泛采用的IMS(InstructionalManagementSysem)全球学习联盟定制的练习与测试互操作规范QTI(QuestionTestandInteroperability)技术规范。

    Then details of the current widely used international IMS ( Instructional Management Sysem ) Global Learning Consortium customized training and test interoperability specification QTI ( Question Test and Interoperability ) specification .

  10. GMP在制药企业的实施,是保证生产出安全有效的药品的标准操作规范。

    GMP is making the implement of the medicine business enterprise , is assurance produces one the safety is valid of the standard operation norm of the drugs .

  11. 优质肉鸡生产企业应在认真执行良好卫生操作规范的基础上实施HACCP管理才能取得良好效果,产品才能达到质量安全水平。

    The corporation of quality broiler manufacture can get better effect and the quality of product can get safety level based on the implement sanitation operation program during implement HACCP system .

  12. 本文首先简单介绍了OGC互操作规范及GML规范,然后详细阐述了GML30的主要模式,论述了GML空间数据建模的框架、规则和步骤,最后提出了基于GML的公路网络模型。

    In this paper , the GML specifications are briefly introduced . The main XML schemas of GML 3 0 and the GML modeling framework , rules and steps are presented . And a GML based road network model is developed .

  13. 08年2月JG集团安全处在内部网站设立了安全环保专用网页宣传安全知识,并聘请了市安监局专家对全公司进行了分层次的安全培训,提高了全体员工的安全意识以及操作规范。

    February 08 , JG security department set up a dedicated website in the internal web site for promoting safety knowledge , and hired experts to make security training in the company at all levels , to improve the safety awareness of all staff .

  14. 货币政策操作规范的争论:一个文献综述

    The Debate about Monetary Policy Guidelines : A Literature Review

  15. 业务操作规范更加国际化、标准化。

    The business operation has become more internationalized and standardized .

  16. 货币政策操作规范之争及其对我国的启示

    The Controversy of Monetary Policy Operational Guidelines and Enlightenment to Our Country

  17. 请严格遵守合理使用规程和正确操作规范!

    Please follow conservative using rules and correct operating conditions !

  18. 高师化学实验操作规范化能力和习惯培养与研究

    On Standardization of Chemistry Laboratory Practice in Teachers Colleges

  19. 一些人体穿洞的艺术家坚持认为只要操作规范,手术是没有危险的。

    Some body piercing artists insist the procedure is safe when performed correctly .

  20. 机械压力机操作规范的计算机控制

    PC Control of the Operation Methods of Mechanical Press

  21. “侦察兵”具有优异的性能和可操作规范。

    The Scout has excellent performance and maneuverability specs .

  22. 化学实验操作规范多媒体教学课件的初步设计

    Design of Multimedia Courseware for Chemistry Experiment Operating Rules

  23. 根据操作规范,进行抽样以及检验测试;推动品质改善;

    Sampling and testing the samples based on SOP , pushing the quality improvements .

  24. 人口与环境可持续发展的操作规范探讨

    A Probe into Operating Rules and Regulations of Sustainable Development in Population and Enviroment

  25. 目的落实《内镜清洗消毒技术操作规范》要求,加强内镜清洗消毒管理工作。

    OBJECTIVE To strengthen the cleaning and disinfection management for endoscope to fulfil the specification .

  26. 在中国债券市场中引入国际债券市场操作规范。提高市场效率。

    Introduce international bond market practice to the Chinese Bond Market to develop market efficiency .

  27. 优化混凝工艺及操作规范的研究与进展

    Advances in optimized coagulation and operation guideline

  28. 基于古今文献的脐疗法应用规律及操作规范研究

    Standardized Study and the Rules of Usage on Navel Therapies from Ancient and Modern Documents

  29. 缺少完善的机器操作规范,就会导致这种低级的失误。

    Some fault in the system for using the machine had allowed an elementary blunder .

  30. 由于是法律规定的混乱导致实务操作规范性的欠缺,因此,本文首先提出,我国应当制定一个适用于全国范围的统一的动产抵押登记立法。

    First Our country should develop a unified nationwide registration legislation applied to the chattel mortgage .