
cāo zòng
  • manipulate;control;operate;steer;rig;fix;command;running;rule;roll;man;hijack;manure
操纵 [cāo zòng]
  • (1) [control;command;operate]∶控制、开动机器或仪器等

  • 操纵电气设备

  • (2) [manipulate;maneurve;rig]∶把持;支配

  • 操纵军阀打仗

  • 立法机关操纵国家政策

操纵[cāo zòng]
  1. 你要转动这个手柄来操纵活动天窗。

    You operate the trapdoor by winding this handle .

  2. 负责按照批准的SOP,操纵纯化水和压缩空气系统设备设施,确保系统正常运行。

    Based on the approved SOP , operate the purified water and compressed air equipment , ensure the system performance well .

  3. 把操纵杆向你身体一侧拉动以调节速度。

    Pull the lever towards you to adjust the speed .

  4. 飞机向下冲时,他竭力控制住操纵装置。

    He wrestled with the controls as the plane plunged .

  5. 政治仍然操纵在中产阶级帮派手中。

    Politics is still dominated by the middle-class mafia .

  6. 别老想操纵我的生活。

    Stop trying to run my life for me .

  7. 她操纵着党内大权。

    She wields enormous power within the party .

  8. 他说选举被人操纵了。

    He said the election had been rigged .

  9. 我肯定这场比赛有人操纵。

    I 'm sure the race was fixed .

  10. 审讯之前,利兹被描绘成受丈夫操纵的孱弱女子。

    Before the trial Liz had been pictured as a frail woman dominated by her husband .

  11. 他们操纵国内市场以使当地企业受益。

    They rig their domestic markets in favour of local businesses .

  12. 与货船相比,渡船马力大而且易操纵。

    Ferries are very powerful and manoeuvrable compared to cargo ships .

  13. 发动机过热,车子不好操纵。

    The engine was overheating and the car was not handling well

  14. 警方和检察官操纵目击证人指证奥尔多。

    Police and prosecutors manipulated the eyewitnesses so they would finger Aldo

  15. 这是为了获取短期政治利益而损人利己地对局势进行操纵。

    This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain

  16. 他是操纵媒体为自己服务的老手。

    He was a past-master at manipulating the media for his own ends

  17. 我坚信我们的策略正在被人存心恶意操纵。

    I firmly believe our strategy is being deliberately , cynically manipulated .

  18. 有人为了政治目的在操纵警方。

    The police force is being manipulated for political ends

  19. 利兹·沃克熟练地操纵着木偶。

    The puppets are expertly manipulated by Liz Walker

  20. 她被指控贪污腐败和大规模操纵选票。

    She was accused of corruption , of vote rigging on a massive scale .

  21. 她谴责对手操纵投票。

    She accused her opponents of rigging the vote

  22. 他们没有发现任何证据证明有人企图全面操纵投票。

    They had not found any evidence of a systematic attempt to rig the ballot .

  23. 他之所以被任命为总理,很大程度上是因为总统在阴谋操纵。

    His appointment as prime minister owed much to the wily manoeuvring of the President .

  24. 回想起来,这场辩论好像从一开始就被人操纵了。

    The debate seems , in retrospect , to have been fixed from the beginning .

  25. 有些激进分子可能会反对他,以作为对他的支持者企图操纵国会的抗议。

    Some radicals may oppose him in protest at the attempt of his supporters to stage-manage the congress

  26. 麦克唐纳相信这样的信息可以用来操纵舆论,蒙蔽误导。

    Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate , to obfuscate , and to mislead .

  27. 实际上儿子是操纵一切的人。

    The son is actually the one who runs the show .

  28. 他们巧妙地操纵股票市场而大赚其钱。

    They make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the Stock Market .

  29. 这架飞机有两套操纵装置。

    The airplane had dual controls .

  30. 那位工人操纵机器很熟练,我们对他很钦佩。

    The worker operated the machine expertly , we admired him greatly .