
xù lùn
  • introduction;preface;preamble;foreward
绪论 [xù lùn]
  • [introduction;foreward;preface] 书藉或论文开头说明主旨和内容的部分

绪论[xù lùn]
  1. 绪论部分主要介绍了SERS的发展由来及研究现状,并在此基础上提出了本论文的工作设想和主要内容。

    The introduction mainly presents the origin and actuality of SERS , and the idea and main tasks of this work .

  2. 本文以营销组合策略&4P理论为基础,运用了比较分析、SWOT分析、文献分析、图表等方法对文章进行研究,一共分为五个部分。第一章:绪论。

    This article is based on 4P marketing mix strategy , It takes use of many methods to research , such as comparative analysis , SWOT analysis and diagram analysis . it is consisted of five parts . Chapter ⅰ: Introduction .

  3. 绪论部分的第三节利用UML为本工程实例建模。

    In Section III , the paper forms the models for this project by using UML .

  4. 全文主要分为以下几个部分:第一部分为绪论,主要描述网站界面设计发展现状,FLASH技术的简要叙述及与静态界面设计技术优劣之处。

    This paper has been divided into the following parts : The first part is introduction , the main description of the development of Web interface design , the status quo , FLASH technology , a brief description and with the static interface design technology advantages and disadvantages .

  5. 绪论。提出论文的研究背景、意义。

    Introduction . Proposed thesis research background , significance . 2 .

  6. 绪论:时代背景、研究意义及文献综述。

    Introduction : historical background , research significance and literature review .

  7. 第一章绪论部分,介绍了本课题的来源、研究背景与意义、研究对象与内容、主要采用的研究方法;

    The 1st section introduced research background , sense and means simply .

  8. 本文绪论中详细介绍了本项目(电控机械式自动变速器)的具体控制策略。

    The paper introduced the concrete controlling strategy detailedly in the exordium .

  9. 本论文主要分四大部分展开论述:一、绪论。

    This paper is divided into four parts : First , introduction .

  10. 绪论部分主要论述论文的选题背景,选题意义。

    Mainly discusses the topic to choose a background paper , meaning .

  11. 第一章为绪论,提出所要研究的问题。

    The first chapter is introduction , which puts forward the problems .

  12. 第一章为绪论,共包括三个方面的内容。

    Chapter 1 is Preface , consist of three points .

  13. 微机在物理实验绪论课中的应用

    An application of microcomputer software in the class of physical experimental Preface

  14. 第一章是绪论,总述了一下本论文的方法。

    First , we introduce the relational approach of the thesis in general .

  15. 本文分为五章:第一章是绪论,介绍了当前生物数学的研究状况。

    The first chapter called introduction introduce the state of study about biomathematics .

  16. 首先绪论介绍的是本篇论文研究的目的和意义。

    The preface introduces the research goal and the significance of this paper .

  17. 绪论:概述端板连接的构造、分类、特点及应用现状等。

    Introduction : generalizing the constitution , classification , feature and actuality about end-plate .

  18. 第一章是绪论,是本文的问题提出与研究设计章。

    The first chapter is to propose questions .

  19. 第一章是论文的绪论,主要讲述了论文的研究背景、来源以及研究的目的和意义。

    The first chapter briefly introduces the research background , purpose , and importance .

  20. 本文在绪论中提出问题,并说明本文的研究意义。

    Based on the introduction of this question , and explain the research significance .

  21. 本文由六个部分构成:第一部分为绪论,主要介绍研究背景和现状。

    The first part is an introduction mainly introducing the research background and situation .

  22. 第一章绪论,首先对相关概念进行界定。

    The first chapter defines the relevant concepts .

  23. 本文分为七部分:第一章,绪论,论述本文研究的对象、原因和意义。

    Chapter I , introduces the subject , reasons and significance of this research .

  24. 本文第一章绪论说明了研究的目的、意义及内容,并对国内外研究概况进行了评述。

    In chapter 1 , the aim and content of this study are explained .

  25. 绪论:宗教就是终极关切。

    Introduction : religion is ultimate carefulness .

  26. 本文主要由以下十个部分组成:1、绪论。

    The paper is made up of the following ten parts : 1 . Introduction .

  27. 文章结构安排如下:第一部分是绪论部分。

    The article is organized as follows : The chapter I is an introduction section .

  28. 全文由两大部分组成,共五章外加绪论。

    The paper consists of two components , which contains five chapters and a prolegomenon .

  29. 全文由四章构成:第一章,绪论。

    The full text is divided four chapters : The first chapter is an introduction .

  30. 本文由绪论、正文五章、结束语组成。

    This text is made up of introduction , text five chapters , and conclusion .