
  • 网络Make a card;Make cards
  1. 我在为妈妈做卡片。

    I 'm making a card for my mother .

  2. 我们有个做卡片的,旅行社的,毛发处理的。

    We got a card place , we got a great escape travel , hair joint .

  3. 我们来做张卡片送给妈妈。

    Let 's make a card for Mom .

  4. 不做个卡片送给他呢?

    You make him a card ?

  5. 读书有一个经常被传授的方法,那就是勤奋地做读书卡片。

    There is way always being taught about reading , which is to prepare reading card diligently .

  6. 作者们表示,分散学习时间、丢掉荧光笔然后去做记忆卡片,你的学习效果会好得多。

    Much better , say the authors , to spread out your learning , ditch your highlighter and get busy with your flash cards .

  7. 在父亲节一天市场上你能买到各式各样的卡片,但是你应该送他一个你自己做的卡片,这个卡片会留给他不一样的感觉哦。

    There are hundreds of cards available in the market in the Father 's day season that you can buy and give it to your dad , but giving him a card that you made by your own self , will hold a different place in his heart .

  8. 彼得:亲手做一张卡片会花上??很多时间。

    P : Making a handmade card takes you so much time .

  9. 所以我们为她做了一些卡片。

    So we are making some cards for her .

  10. 为什么不为他做一张卡片呢?

    Why don 't you make him a card ?

  11. 我给他做了这些卡片。

    I made those cards for him .

  12. 我有样特别的东西要给她。我给她做了张卡片,明天会给她一个惊喜。

    I have a treat for her . I made her a card and will surprise her tomorrow .

  13. 你当着她们的面把她们在4岁和7岁时自己做的生日卡片撕碎,说你要看到她们更好的表现。

    That you threw the homemade birthday cards they gave you as7-and4-year-olds back in their faces , saying you expected more effort .

  14. 我就在楼下门口等计程车,这时我儿子走下楼,他正拿着为我做的一张卡片。

    I was downstairs by the front door , and I was waiting for a taxi , and my son came down the stairs and he 'd made a card for me . And he was carrying it .

  15. Clifford可喜欢我给奶奶做的特别的卡片了呢!

    Clifford likes the special card I make for grandma .

  16. 我用一些旧碎片做了一张卡片。

    I made a card out of some old scraps .

  17. 我最近为我的父亲做了一张卡片。

    I recently made a card for my dad .

  18. 我给妈妈做了一张卡片。

    I made a card for my mom .

  19. 奶奶,在母亲节里,我特别为您做了这张卡片。

    I made this card for you , Granny , on Mother 's Day .

  20. 我们为妈妈做了母亲节卡片,并送了妈妈一朵康乃馨。

    We made lovely Mother 's Day cards and gave them to our mothers with a beautiful carnation .

  21. 不要跟妈妈讲你做了一张卡片,然后在母亲节那天把卡片送给妈妈,给妈妈一个惊喜。

    Don 't tell your Mom you made this card , and then you can surprise her when you give it to her on Mother 's Day .

  22. 给孩子们准备一次性相机,让他们好好拍上一下午,给活动中心做点饼干,去附近的溜冰场、博物馆或水族馆,找出纸笔手工做新年卡片。

    Give kids disposable cameras and have an afternoon of photo-taking ; make cookies for an assisted living center ; head to the local ice rink , museum or aquarium ; drag out the markers and paints and make homemade New Year 's cards .