
  • 网络catalogue card
  1. 印刷目录卡片不是唯一的传播编目数据的工具。

    Printed catalogue cards are not the only media for distribution of cataloguing data .

  2. 美国威士国际服务组织在美国许多商业组织提供目录卡片及其他服务。

    A number of commercial organizations in the United States have provided catalogue cards and other services .

  3. 诸如以上管理用计算机后,传统图书馆、情报处理业务中的各种数据都将用磁存贮在介质上的数据文件中,代替以往各种账册,各类目录卡片,登记记录,清晰方便。

    Using computer management , traditional libraries and information processing various types of directories business cards , all kinds of books , registration records will be used on magnetic storage media data files instead .

  4. 当然,你也可以看到所有的图书都列在计算机上,计算机目录比卡片目录所给的信息要更多。

    And of course , you can also find all the books listed in the computer , and it gives you more information than the card catalogue , too .