
  • 网络Targeting;Market Targeting;target;Target market selection
  1. 合适的市场定位战略的制定与市场细分以及目标市场选择密不可分。

    An appropriate positioning strategy is closely related to segmenting and targeting .

  2. 顾客盈利能力及其对目标市场选择的影响

    Customer Profitability and the Influence to Market Targeting

  3. 简要的阐述了GIS在目标市场选择、竞争形式分析、销售网络确定、销售渠道决策、产品供应调控等方面的应用方法和基本模式。

    It briefly describes the GIS application methods and basic modes in the aspect of objective market selection , sale network planning and so on .

  4. 该部分作者采用市场营销学的市场细分与目标市场选择理论以及采用SWOT分析法对现代商业银行市场营销战略理论进行阐述。

    In this part , temporary commercial banks ' theory on marketing strategy is explained by means of market subdivisions and target market options of the marketing , SWOT analysis method .

  5. 运用STP理论,从马铃薯的市场细分、目标市场选择和定位三个方面进行逐一的分析和研究。

    Using the theory of STP , from the potato market segmentation , target market selection and positioning of each of three analyses and research .

  6. 随后,文章较为详细的分析了长沙电信公司IVR业务的目标市场选择与定位,将目标锁定为中低端市场。

    Subsequently , the paper made more detailed analysis of Changsha telecom IVR business target market selection and positioning , which will focus on the low-end market .

  7. 通过STP分析,就兰州市电影消费的观众构成、竞争格局、目标市场选择等进行分析研究,确定东方红影城科学而合理的市场定位。

    Through the STP analysis , the consumption of Lanzhou City , the film audience composition , competition , target market selection analysis study to determine the Dong Fang Hong cinema scientific and reasonable market position .

  8. 在此基础上,探讨了市场细分和目标市场选择方法,研究和分析了QFD分解模型,对质量屋中用户需求的获取和权重的决策方法及关系强度的决策进行了详细探讨。

    Then based on this , the method of segmenting market and choosing target marketing is researched and the implement model of QFD was explored . Furthermore , how to get and settle the VOC of QFD and relation intensity of HoQ is studied .

  9. 然后,根据以上分析结果进行语音产品市场STP分析,对语音产品市场进行细分,进行目标市场选择和市场定位,并得出广东网通语音产品的营销策略。

    To adapt to the changes of outside environment . Furthermore , the thesis scrutinizes the voice product market by STP analysis , chooses the target market , and finds the strategy that is the most suitable for the development of the GuangDong branch .

  10. HTIC店采用差异化的市场战略,目标市场选择为缅甸高尚住宅区的社区居民,在此区位内竞争尚不激烈,因此,利于项目赢得市场份额。

    The HTIC Chain Project adopts a differentiation strategy , whose target market is the citizens in luxury residential of Myanmar . The competition in this area is not that severity ; therefore it is to win market share .

  11. 目标市场选择的定量化分析

    A quantitative analysis of the choice of the target market

  12. 发电市场细分和目标市场选择

    Segmentation of power generation market and selection of target market

  13. 本篇论文的第二部分,着重进行市场定位和目标市场选择二个方面的研究。

    The second chapter emphasizes the market positioning and target consumer choosing .

  14. 北玻器皿出口贸易战略及目标市场选择

    Export Trade Strategy of BeiBei Glassware Factory and Selection of Target Markets

  15. 可拓学方法在医药目标市场选择中的应用研究

    Study of Application on Method of Extenics to Choosing Pharmaceutical Target Markets

  16. 目标市场选择新探

    A New Research into the Choices of the Target Market

  17. 试析体育市场细分与目标市场选择

    Analysis of sports market segmentation and target market selection

  18. 本文以上述理论研究成果为依据,探讨了科技期刊进行广告经营的市场竞争定位策略、目标市场选择策略与市场营销组合策略。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix .

  19. 河南省旅游市场分析及客源目标市场选择

    Analysis of tourism market and selection of target tourist source market in Henan Province

  20. 目的利用可拓学理论,建立一种医药目标市场选择的方法。

    Objective By using extension theory , the pharmaceutical target market selection method is established .

  21. 通过市场细分及目标市场选择,选择适合公司的目标行业和地区的客户。

    To select target industries and regional customers is through marketing segment and sourcing the target markets .

  22. 接下来进行了市场细分和目标市场选择并确定了目标市场策略;

    I carried out a detailed analysis of the market segments and based on this deciding the market strategy .

  23. 文化差异对国际营销活动的影响具体体现在对目标市场选择策略、渠道策略、产品策略等企业国际营销决策的影响上。

    Target tactics , channel tactics , and product tactics in international marketing are all influenced by cultural differences .

  24. 第四章对投资机会进行了深入的市场与竞争分析,并详细讨论了以目标市场选择、产品和服务战略为核心内容的营销战略设计。

    In chapter 4 , the market and competition analysis is carefully made , and the marketing strategy is discussed .

  25. 论文首先对冰箱市场的现状、细分及目标市场选择进行了详尽分析。

    Firstly , this paper makes a detailed analysis on its current situation , segmentation and the selection of target market .

  26. 她帮助主要客户制定特定市场的竞争策略,包括目标市场选择和销售策略。

    She has assisted key IDC clients with the development of market-specific competitive strategies , including target market selection and sales strategies .

  27. 对徐州电信宽带业务进行了有效的目标市场选择及市场定位,以有效的获得竞争优势。

    It also suggests Xuzhou CT broadband business effective choice of the target markets and market positioning to effectively gain a competitive advantage .

  28. 通过对工农路九号住宅小区项目的市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位的研究,确定了工农路九号住宅小区项目的营销目标和整体架构以及产品策略、价格策略和市场推广策略。

    The strategies for products , prices and marketing promotion will be made according to segmentation , targeting and positioning in the market .

  29. 接着,从营销理论的基本原理出发,对网上市场调研以及网络营销的市场细分与目标市场选择进行了系统地分析与研究。

    Secondly , from the fundamental principle of marketing theory this thesis analyzes and studies Internet market survey , subdivision or choice of target market .

  30. 其次,关于科技期刊广告目标市场选择策略,主要的考虑因素应是科技期刊读者的信息需求,以读者的广告信息偏好为标准来对行业目标市场进行细分。

    The first consideration in target market choice is the information preferring of audience , and segmentation the advertiser market is also according to this standard .