
  • 网络Attendance Record
  1. 高频系统成本适中,很好地满足识别距离在1.5m以内需求,在生产自动控制、电子票据、图书管理、门禁控制、考勤记录等领域有极大的应用。

    The HF system meet those demand well , whose identification distance is short than 1.5 meter . Beyond that , the modest cost of HF system made it used largely in the field of production automation , electronic notes , library management , access control , attendance record .

  2. 考勤记录是工资计算和绩效评估的一个重要参考。

    The attendance record is an important reference for salary calculation and performance evaluation .

  3. 随后的Sandia调查结果源于几千用户和成千上万考勤记录。

    Subsequent field results from thousands of users and hundreds of thousands of transactions confirmed the Sandia findings .

  4. 打卡钟打卡考勤记录,但需要员工每月在工卡上签名确认。

    Paper card timing records with signatures from employees monthly .

  5. 这是一份学生考勤记录。

    He kept a record of what the speaker sail .

  6. 最近三个月的考勤记录、工资表、工资单。

    Time card record , payrolls & pay slip of last three months .

  7. 手工考勤记录,但需要准确记录员工的上下班(括加班)时间,并由员工每天签名确认。

    Manual timing records with accurate starting and ending time ( including overtime recording ), and signed by employees daily .

  8. 结果表明,该系统能快速实现各种考勤记录,提高了学校的教学管理效率。

    The result shows that the system can realize various attendance records and improve the teaching management efficiency of schools .

  9. 负责现场运行记录、化验记录、考勤记录、交接班记录等相关记录检查、收集、整理、存档和报送。

    Check , collect , sort out , file and summit related records about on-site operation , test , attendant , shift , etc.

  10. 他们无需用考勤钟记录上下班时间。

    They do not have to punch a time dock at work .

  11. 按工厂考勤钟记录,他们如上班迟到就可能被扣工资。

    When they are late clocking in for factory work they may lose pay .

  12. 介绍一种具有通讯功能的低功耗智能巡检记录仪,该记录仪主要用于铁路系统,也可用于考勤等记录工作。

    A low power consumption intellective meter for checking and recording was introduced , which was used in railway system and the other situation such as check on work attendance .

  13. 本篇论文提供了一种基于便携式RFID的考勤系统,用以替换当前现有的考勤记录方式。

    This thesis proposed a portable RFID based attendance system to replace the current method of attendance taking .