
kǎo shì
  • examination;exam;test
考试 [kǎo shì]
  • [examination;test;exam] 通过书面或口头回答、现场操作等方式考查人的技能或知识水平

考试[kǎo shì]
  1. 所有学生都必须参加英语考试,无一例外。

    All students without exception must take the English examination .

  2. 竞聘者按遴选考试结果择优录用。

    Applicants are selected for jobs on the results of a competitive examination .

  3. 一次考试不及格并非世界末日。

    Failing one exam is not the end of the world .

  4. 考试包括一篇作文和一篇即席翻译。

    The exam consists of an essay and an unseen translation .

  5. 考试时间为一个半小时。

    One and a half hours are allowed for the exam .

  6. 全班都在努力用功准备考试。

    The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams .

  7. 我仍在等待考试结果的通知书。

    I 'm still waiting for confirmation of the test results .

  8. 她通过考试的希望很渺茫。

    She has only a slim chance of passing the exam .

  9. 考试时间为一个半小时。

    An hour and a half is allowed for the exam .

  10. 时间是你最有价值的帮手,尤其是在考试中。

    Time is your most valuable resource , especially in examinations .

  11. 学校为这次出色的考试成绩感到骄傲,这是理所当然的。

    The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results .

  12. 学院讲师是考试成绩的校外考核人。

    College lecturers acted as external assessors of the exam results .

  13. 这些考试零零碎碎,得两年才考完。

    The exams are taken in bite-size chunks over two years .

  14. 最后两门考试的日期掉换了。

    The dates of the last two exams have been switched .

  15. 不要打扰简,她正在温习功课,准备考试呢。

    Don 't disturb Jane , she 's studying for her exams .

  16. 吉姆大可不必为这次考试那么拼命。

    Jim didn 't really have to extend himself in the exam .

  17. 他根本不可能通过这次考试。

    He hasn 't a dog 's chance of passing the exam .

  18. 大多数学生至少参加5门普通中等教育证书考试。

    Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs .

  19. 我们在考试前加了几节课。

    We slotted in some extra lessons before the exam .

  20. 他大有可能考试合格。

    He 's in with a good chance of passing the exam .

  21. 班上每个同学都有能力通过这次考试。

    Every student in the class is capable of passing the exam .

  22. 考试将包括回答一些关于一张照片的问题。

    The test will involve answering questions about a photograph .

  23. 有充分理由推迟考试。

    There 's a strong case for postponing the exam .

  24. 有多少学生报名参加考试?

    How many students have been entered for the exam ?

  25. 通过考试的学生比我预计的少得多。

    A much smaller number of students passed than I had expected .

  26. 别担心考试——尽你的最大努力吧。

    Don 't worry about the exam ─ just do your best .

  27. 努力学习就会通过考试。

    You would pass your exams if you applied yourself .

  28. 她在考试中没有充分发挥出自己的水平。

    She didn 't do herself justice in the exam .

  29. 学生通常要选四门或五门高级证书辅助考试学科。

    Students will normally take four or five AS subjects .

  30. 紧张的考试过后,他感觉筋疲力尽了。

    After the gruelling test , he felt totally spent .