
  • educator;pedagogue
  1. 今天的电视制片人必须既是新闻人,又是教育者。

    The television producer today has to be part news person , part educator

  2. 从传统教育者的观点来看,这一结果表明,学校教育未能帮助学生思考生态系统和生物灭绝这些主要科学思想。

    From the standpoint of a traditional educator , this outcome indicated that schooling had failed to help students think about ecosystems and extinction , major scientific ideas .

  3. 这纯粹是未受教育者的一种粗俗说法。

    It is the uneducated vulgarity of expression at all .

  4. 如果普及工作永远停留在一个水平上,那么教育者和被教育者岂不都是半斤八两?

    If popularization remains at the same level for ever , won 't the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other ?

  5. 尽管焦虑的父母可能并不接受一观念,但教育者可以将青春期的鲁莽转变为学术目的。

    And although anxious parents may not welcome the notion , educators could turn adolescent recklessness to academic ends .

  6. 如果教育者利用青少年会受到强烈的驱动从社交角度进行思考这一事实的话,那会发生什么呢?

    What would happen if educators instead took advantage of the fact that teens are powerfully compelled to think in social terms ?

  7. 但是,就像美国其他大学的很多教师一样,普渡大学的教员们也怀疑自己作为教育者的工作是否能用“学习成果”,例如毕业生的研究和推理能力来衡量。

    Yet like many college teachers around the U.S. , the faculty remain doubtful that their work as educators can be measured by a " learning outcome " such as a graduate 's ability to investigate and reason .

  8. 教育者将其简称为pre-K,意思是“幼儿园之前的教育”——其主要目标是让四岁甚至更小的儿童做好准备,以便他们能在K-12阶段(即从幼儿园到高中结束的基础教育阶段)取得成功。

    The shorthand educators use for this is " pre-K " — meaning instruction before kindergarten — and the big idea is to prepare 4-year-olds and even younger kids to be ready to succeed on their K-12 journey .

  9. 一个名为多丽·罗伯茨的教育者决心做些什么改变这一体系。

    One educator named Dori Roberts decided to do something to change this system .

  10. 让孩子们学习所有受教育者必须学习的东西,学习如何衡量他们自己的理解力,如何知道他们知道或不知道的东西。

    Let the children learn what all educated persons must learn , how to measure their own understanding , how to know what they know or do not know .

  11. 第六条国家在受教育者中进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的教育,进行理想、道德、纪律、法制、国防和民族团结的教育。

    Article 6 The State conducts education among educatees in patriotism .

  12. 女性的生育者角色和教育者角色面临严峻的挑战。

    Females breed characters and educator role faced a serious challenge .

  13. 教育者缺乏对学生政治生活的足够重视。

    The educator lacks enough attention to students ' political life .

  14. 21世纪教育者准备迎接的新角色

    Preparation for Educator 's New Roles in the Twenty-First Century

  15. 保育员对幼儿的影响并不亚于教师,应当成为幼儿园中的重要教育者。

    Child-care workers'influence to children is not less than teachers in kindergarten .

  16. 教育者的素质是补偿教育的关键。

    The quality of the education is the key of compensational education .

  17. 教育者很难改变社会环境,但语文德育自身存在的问题值得我们去思考。

    It results from the social environment and the moral education itself .

  18. 词汇的教与学正在引起英语教育者广泛的关注。

    Recently the teaching and learning of vocabulary has aroused wide concern .

  19. 教育者自身为人师表的行为。

    The behaviour worthy of the name of teacher as an educator .

  20. 谈知识经济时代教育者教育观念的更新

    Renewal of Educators ′ Educational Ideas in the Era of Knowledge-Driven Economy

  21. 论高校思想政治教育者法律素质的构建

    Developing legal quality for moral educator in higher education institutes

  22. 受教育者是具有自主性、主动性和创造性的主体。

    The educated is a principal body with independence , initiative and creativeness .

  23. 论大学生党员受教育者的主体地位

    On the Principal Status of the Undergraduate Party Members

  24. 落实以人为本的科学发展观,关怀受教育者的职业生涯。

    Carrying out humanism-based scientific development view and caring educatees ' professional career .

  25. 教育者的职业道德素质总体上有所提高。

    The vocational diathesis of educators are be improved .

  26. 教育者要把握住教育的真谛,讲究教育策略

    Educators should grasp its essence , and pay attention to the educational tactics

  27. 教育者要以身作则,言传身教。

    , The educators should set good examples .

  28. 对高校图书馆员教育者身份的思考

    The Thinking of the University Librarian Educator Status

  29. 转型时代教育者的生存智慧

    Educators ' Existent Wisdom in the Social Transformation

  30. 传道就是要使受教育者懂得如何做人,而做人的基本应从爱祖国教育、爱家乡教育、孝敬父母教育抓起。

    Preaching means enabling the recipients of education to know how to be a man .