
jiào yù
  • official instructor in a public school
教谕 [jiào yù]
  • (1) [discipline]∶教导训戒

  • 谨遵教谕

  • (2) [commission]∶宗教上的命令、指示

  • (3) [military instructor]∶官名,元、明、清县学的教官,主管文庙祭祀,教诲生员

  • 南平教谕。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

  1. 她受到的文字方面的教养侧重于繁规缛节。在家里,她的读物大多是“丁尼生(AlfredTennyson)、教谕和汤姆·克兰西(TomClancy)的惊悚小说”。但是从16岁开始她一直在写一部作品。

    Her literary education was heavy on rules , and at home the reading was pretty much limited to " Tennyson , encyclicals and Tom Clancy novels . " But from age 16 she was always at work on a manuscript .

  2. 古代埃及教谕文献的产生背景

    The Generative Background of the Teaching Text of Ancient Egypt

  3. 新古典主义批评家从文学教谕观出发,认为莎士比亚没有道德意识。

    From a didactic tradition , the neoclassical critics thought that Shakespeare had no sense of morality .

  4. 培养书吏的教师们通过让学生抄录教谕文献达到德育教育的目的。

    For the aim of moral education , teachers who train scribes ask the students to copy the instruction literatures .

  5. 早期的智慧文学既有对古巴比伦宗教哲理诗的借鉴,也有对古埃及教谕文学的吸收;

    In the later wisdom literatures , the conception of wisdom was turned from phenomenalism to ontology , from epistemology to ethics .

  6. 而且,库布里克带悲观主义色彩的个性,使得他饱含教谕意味的电影旁白还带有非常独特的悲观主义色彩。

    Moreover , with pessimism in Kubrick 's personality , his films with didactic characteristics are also full of unique color pessimism .

  7. 教谕文献是阐释作为伦理思想核心内容的“玛阿特”(正义)观念的最基本、最重要的文献。

    The teaching text ( sb3yt ), mainly existing from the Old Kingdom to the Roman Period , is the most important literature that elucidates the Maat ideal , which is the core of ancient egyptian ethics .